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  1. OK, I see the line below. I changed to each item and kept it on the recommended.
  2. Here is a picture of the options I have. Which one should I pick?
  3. It only happens on big orders
  4. Still not calculating correctly.
  5. You may have hit the nail on the head. I will change the rounding to each line and see if that make a diffference. Thanks
  6. I am using 1.2 and have a problem on larger invoices each line item is off by about $0.02. Not a lot but at the end of the invoice its off by about $30.xx . ANyone know whats going on? See example I attached.
  7. I hope I am posting this to the correct section. Is there any state an invoice can be set to, so the items can be edited. For instance, change the qty, add products?
  8. I am using TB and I use Canadapost for shipping. I want to be able to give a customer group flat rate shipping of $9.99 on orders over $149. Anyone know how to do this? I still need Canadapost module to mange the shipping.
  9. Solved.OK I fixed it.. Yay. I checked my amazon MWS and it expired for some reason. I re-generated the token and now all is good 🙂
  10. Also, when I check the connectivity on my API settings I get. Weird that my above error references common-services.com Warning: Connection to Amazon Failed !SimpleXMLElement Object([Type] => Sender => AccessDenied[Message] => Access to Sellers.ListMarketplaceParticipations is denied)
  11. Even when I try to do it manually under orders I get this. Error Query: https://mwsops.common-services.com/postv101?uri=aHR0cHM6Ly9td3MuYW1hem9uc2VydmljZXMuY2EvT3JkZXJzType:SenderCode:AccessDeniedMessage:Access to Orders.ListOrders is denied Request ID: SimpleXMLElement Object ( [0] => aa6d0af3-0967-4d47-8394-15a6c8e7ed6b )
  12. I tried going through all the options. I only have 1 employee and its selected. The module has been working for about a year and then it just broke. Any other ideas? \nError From : import.php(#182): import() in AmazonImportOrder\n\nError while retrieving orders :\nType : Sender\nCode : AccessDenied\nMessage : Access to Orders.ListOrders is denied\nRequest ID : 98fdb201-3821-4108-9d29-48b5ecbdbd3e"],"message":0,"messages":[]}
  13. Getting an error messsage when trying to import an order using the amazon module from common sources. {"orders":[],"count":0,"error":false,"errors":[],"warning":true,"warnings":["Starting Order Query in WS API\/Cron Mode - 2021-01-25 15:45:05 \nWrong Employee, please save the module configuration"],"message":0,"messages":[]} Any ideas?
  14. Thanks ANDYC. that did most of the trick. Now the which mod do I do that to for the menu on left hand side, then I think it all works.
  15. Thats the thing, I did not make any changes. It just broke. Worst thing is I have been waiting 3 days for Sunnytoo to provide support. There is nothing worse than slow response for support request.
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