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ALM last won the day on January 28 2023

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  1. Hi guys, when I try to use a search filter in the order overview or simply refresh the overview, I get a message (debug active) and the search filter does not work. Any help appreciated, thanks.
  2. for those who cares... in the file /controllers/front/ParentOrderController.php comment out the lines as shown below
  3. right, it's bleeding edge V1.5, the latest dev version... but I assume the same will happen on V1.4
  4. Hi guys, on a clean TB1.5 with PHP 8.1, I am trying to install the JSON module from the link below. Somehow during the installation or even after the installation when I try to enter the settings I get an error message. The store is in debug mode. https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/front-office/json-module Is there any way to fix this or any solution known? Thanks in advance
  5. Hi guys, I installed a new version of TB1.5 and again I have the problem that the address is not displayed in the last checkout step. As far as I remember, this problem was already also in previous versions and I expected that it will be fixed in the newer versions, unfortunately still not. As I remember, the file /controllers/front/ParentOrderController.php needs to be changed, but I can't find where and what exactly needs to be changed. For any help thanks in advance.
  6. Hello, I would also appreciate the suggestion to be able to use the "Save All" button with a note. To be honest, my store runs on a shared server, but I've never had any problems with the "Save All" button in PS.
  7. In the meantime, I contacted Involic and they requested the backend credentials to fix it. To be honest, I didn't expect TB to be supported in my case. I will let you know the outcome.
  8. Hi guys, unfortunately my old Prestabay module from Involic does not work anymore for Ebay. For this reason I am looking for your recommendations for working modules for a) Ebay b) Amazon The goal is to have a separate module for each platform that also supports exporting product descriptions and importing orders. Thanks for any advice to be compatible with TB 1.2.X. BR
  9. The following is my final finding: If you enable the hiding of the IOSslider for Mobile, the problem exists! https://www.sunnytoo.com/forums/topic/tb-1-1-x-questions-problems#post-103765 Waiting for feedback from yobo (Panda theme)
  10. Slider has been disabled and cache deleted, now it seems to work on mobile. @toplakdCould you kindly repeat on linux?
  11. Hi guys, thanks for the feedback. My findings are that it works in Edge, Mozilla and Chrome on PC (Windows 10PRO 64 Bit), even for resolution below 767px. For mobile it hangs most of the time. Also, the slider is disabled for the mobile version. Any tool recommendations for debugging on mobile android?
  12. Hello, I noticed that my TB1.1.X mostly does not work on cell phones. I tested it with Galaxy S10+, S8, S20 and Android Tablet. Each device hangs mostly after a few seconds, sometimes however rarely I have seen it work properly. My TB1.1.X was a clean install with Panda theme. Anyway, there are no error logs on the server side. After I contacted the web host, he couldn't find any server problems either. In my opinion, the web host can't find any problem because I have a second other domain with exactly the same configuration (clean TB1.1.X installation with Panda). At the moment I'm at the end of how to debug the problem further. Hopefully you have some tips for identifying the root cause.
  13. anybody there? I identified that the tree structure comes from the JS located in /admin/themes/default/js/tree.js. The basic question is still why the categories are missing for new products... Hope to receive some troubleshoot tips at least. Thx
  14. Repeated the same procedure on the 2nd store where category selection works for new products. And here the same, no interaction with category tables. In summary, it should be some other function that is responsible for viewing category options. Is it some java function? Hope for some feedback from the core team...;(
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