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Everything posted by jollyfrog

  1. I deleted the database, created a new user with full privileges and created the database once more with that user. Then, I used the new username and password in the installer and I got the same result. I have since uninstalled php v7.4 and replaced with 7.3 (plus relevant extensions) with the same outcome. Unfortunately, I have exactly the same error every time. I would love to get to the bottom of it. Perhaps I have just missed something vital or maybe Digital Ocean's LAMP is not compatible? Ubuntu 20.04 Apache 2.4.41 Apache 2 MySQL server 8.0.21 GPL 2 with modifications PHP 7.4 PHP v3.01 Fail2ban 0.11.1 GPL 2 with modifications Postfix 3.4.10 IBM Public Certbot 0.39.0 Apache 2
  2. I just checked, but it appears to be running on the default:
  3. That was the password I used. Unfortunately, this didn't work. I also tried creating a new MySQL user with full privileges, creating the database with this user and logging in, via the server, with those credentials. Still, it did not work. I am thinking it maybe the server setup which is not compatible. Of course, that's just a guess. I tried setting up as described on the GitHub page under installation (still with Digital Ocean's LAMP one-click install), but I get the same result.
  4. Thank All. @Traumflug I expect this is user error, as I have close to zero experience with MySQL. Is the password required by the installer the MySQL root password? Also, noob question, but I feel I should ask, could this be related to my PHP version (7.4) as I am aware that the thirty bees GitHub page states: "PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.3"?
  5. Setting up thirty bees on Digital Ocean, I received the following error: "Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)" I followed a tutorial written by Lesley some time ago, although I had to adapt it slightly as the PHP version provided in LAMP was 7.4. I am not experienced with MySQL. I apologise in advance if the error is caused by my ignorance. More information: I used a one-click install of LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04 I created a user with sudo privileges to install thirty bees The PHP extensions installed were 7.4 rather than 7.0 (as in the tutorial) Lesley's tutorial on Installing with Digital Ocean: https://thirtybees.com/developer-blog/installing-thirty-bees-on-digital-ocean/
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