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  1. Hi, I had my domain suspended for malware, this is the report: FILES INFECTED IN YOUR HOSTING ACCOUNT: ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ /home/cantina/public_html/themes/niara/header.tpl SMW-INJ-27348-js.spam.polyfill-3 Infected /home/cantina/public_html/themes/community-theme-default/header.tpl SMW-INJ-CLOUDAV-js.spam-27295-5 Infected /home/pcb/public_html/themes/berto/header.tpl SMW-INJ-27348-js.spam.polyfill-3 Infected /home/pcb/public_html/themes/niara/header.tpl SMW-INJ-27348-js.spam.polyfill-3 Infected /home/pcb/public_html/themes/community-theme-default/header.tpl SMW-INJ-CLOUDAV-js.spam-27295-5 Infected ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ I replaced the reported file, taken from the backup and updated the theme from the core updater. Do you have any advice on how to search for malware and prevent it or useful information Thanks
  2. What form do you use for cookies?
  3. now it works, everything is fine, I didn't understand what it depended on, I didn't do anything, perhaps the settings were changed by the root administrator of the server
  4. Hi, I would like to experiment with dropshipping with thirty bees, via supplier API, from what I understand you need to use the webservice and a script, I would like to know where to insert the script and if some kind expert can give me instructions on how to create it or example code. Thank you
  5. TB is good for what you want to do and then start with almost no expense, but business is something else .......... it's not enough to know or buy "tricks" to become David Copperfield, you need other skills
  6. Pietroalberto


    Ciao, I have a phenomenon that is sending me spam via messages, an advertisement for a Chinese online casino, what are the methods to eliminate the inconvenience? I suppose I have to activate " recaptcha " ? are there other systems? messages only from registered users ? Thank you greetings from Tuscany
  7. How do I remove the obligation to enter Company and VAT number Ciao Grazie
  8. tenutalagigliola.it
  9. after the update in multi shop mode I have problems, upper banner impossible to set it differently on the different shops, items appear on all shops, difficulty in selecting the various shops from black office
  10. what I know for sure is that I have to change the server settings, but I don't know what or how, since if I use another mail created on the server in question it works
  11. Hi, how can I use an email other than the shop domain? Trying to enter the data I get an error : Errore: controlla la tua configurazioneConnection could not be established with host smtps.aruba.it [Connection refused #111]
  12. Is it possible to get around the problem by performing a new installation and replacing the database and only the folders containing the changes (products-blogs-photos)? if yes, which are the folders to overwrite
  13. i need to transfer files from server to server , to get around a basic php problem ( server a 7.4 basic , server b 7.2 basic , set cpanel to 7.4 ) how would i do The error "Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0". You are running 7.2.34." Thank you ps : on server b there are other working installations set to 7.4
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