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the.rampage.rado last won the day on April 22

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  1. Yes. If you install this module again it will add new records.
  2. It will delete those records from db too. The module you had 'forgot' to delete them.
  3. Unfortunately I found a UI bug with this approach, some dropdown menus hide right away after showing.
  4. Do you see those entries in Administration->Menus? If so you can delete from there.
  5. To be honest I don't know why they hardcoded this in this part of your theme/module. I'm not able to help with this one but probably you can contact the developer and check with them?
  6. With this specific weight string I'm pretty sure that there is misconfiguration on your side, could you double check the theme module that's responsible for the fonts?
  7. From what I can find online (and is not posted in 2012) and what I get from it is that woff2 is the only format we need currently as all modern browsers (mobile and desktop) support it. So I only load it locally. A nice read: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75868078/what-are-the-possible-values-for-format-in-a-font-face-src A nice tool to download only the needed fonts and generate the code for them: https://gwfh.mranftl.com/ Regarding the font version - I think if you load only one version and stick to it it's OK, no need to load 2 or more versions as this might confuse (probably) different browsers to render your page differently if they fall back to one or another version and there are differences between them. (Let's say for Montserrat that I use, they have weight changes between versions). Also, if the tool for generating the code you use does not add it do so manually: font-display: swap; /* Check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/font-display for other options. */ A statistic: https://caniuse.com/woff2
  8. This module called the Google server since it was published I think. As we're on the topic of loading fonts locally, what formats are you still loading in 2024? Only woff2 or all other in case a fallback is needed?
  9. Doubt such module would be free. Plenty if cheap and more expensive options for product customization.
  10. Thank you! "Hide this status in all customer orders." is something that will work as a workaround I think. Not many orders I have that go to Canceled - only those that are fraud, duplicated or test orders from me. So those that are fraud will show the last state before Cancelled, which is 100% working and the only issue is duplicated orders but those customers are contacted prior to this cancelation so they will not get confused if they see the wrong status couple days after that.
  11. I would like to make 'a sleeper status' for all fraud orders. And I want to name it with some obscure name like 'Pending' or something like that so the scammers don't see 'Canceled' in their profiles. But I want for this status to be able to restock all products in my shop and I don't want any further emails to be sent to them. (this is Canceled options). I'm unable to see which flag here makes the restock action.
  12. Ok... Literally all 1.6 PS themes should be 100% percent compatible with thirtybees if you use php 7.3 or lower and you debug them for later compatibility. Hope this makes it clearer. 😉
  13. Probably yes, but for sending them to the hole I doubt there's a difference, those bots probably don't care much about that.
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