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beetea last won the day on March 2 2022

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  1. I am also getting this error while trying to install thirtybees-v1.4.0-php8.1 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Server is running PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14 [30-Sep-2023 11:45:10 America/Toronto] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "Thirtybees\Core\Error\_TB_BUILD_PHP_" in /home/***/public_html/tft/classes/error/ErrorDescription.php:109 Stack trace: #0 /home/***/public_html/tft/classes/error/ErrorUtils.php(43): Thirtybees\Core\Error\ErrorDescriptionCore->__construct() #1 /home/***/public_html/tft/classes/error/ErrorHandler.php(240): Thirtybees\Core\Error\ErrorUtilsCore::describeError() #2 [internal function]: Thirtybees\Core\Error\ErrorHandlerCore->shutdown() #3 {main} thrown in /home/***/public_html/tft/classes/error/ErrorDescription.php on line 109 Any help is appreciated.
  2. Good call! Thanks very much. I was trying to edit a customer's profile and was putting in the dots and dash.
  3. Customers in Brazil need a tax identification number (or CPF number) in the format of 000.000.000-00 When I enter this format into the "Identification Number" box of the address form I get an error "Format is incorrect" Can someone point me to a file that controls this format? I have Localization -> Countries -> Brazil -> Do you need a tax identification number? set to YES. If set to NO I can enter the number, but I want all future customers to fill in this number.
  4. Thanks for these suggestions. We also concluded that the only way would be to create unique cart rules as you suggested. But also as you say there's too much work setting this up each time. In the end we decided to give the VIP group a 10% catalog discount and disallow cart discounts for that group.
  5. I have a customer group called VIP that gets a 5% discount on most products with a Catalog Price Rule. I have a coupon in Cart Rules worth 10%. If a VIP customer uses the coupon that customer gets a 15% discount. Is there any way to limit the VIP discount to 10%? I know the the cart rule can exclude the VIP group, meaning the VIP group cannot use the coupon, but I would prefer that the Cart Rule allows a discount up to the maximum of 10% Can this be done? Either natively or with a module?
  6. The ECB exchange rate module does not handle every currency, so I modified it for another XML feed found here: http://www.floatrates.com/daily/usd.xml I've modified the ECB code like so: Line 24: const SERVICE_URL = 'http://www.floatrates.com/daily/usd.xml'; starting line 147: $this->serviceCache['USD'] = 1.0; foreach ($XML->xpath('//item') as $entry) { $this->serviceCache[(string) $entry->targetCurrency] = (float) $entry->exchangeRate; } Seems to work. There are other feeds at the same site for other base currencies, in which case you'd have to modify the SERVICE_URL and the base currency ['USD']
  7. Will this module convert loyalty points to a voucher? I'd like the trigger to be "set status to delivered" then the voucher is created automatically. Would the SQL statement be the best option for this? I'm new to TB and just getting accustomed to the structure. If you can just point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it very much.
  8. beetea

    obsolete files

    Thanks - I'm always careful to move files rather than delete them. I don't think this is a serious issue so I'll just ignore it for now.
  9. I have a few questions for the developer if they are here. I tried the contact form on your website but it tells me I'm not human. 😒 First, will this work with TB 1.3.0? Module page shows 1.1.0 https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/price-by-surface-volume-length-perimeter-weight 2nd - I tried the demo on your website: https://test11.megventure.com/ Conversion options -> Attribute group name and attribute unit: shows "No Attributes Available". This is the feature I need and would like to try it out. Attributes are set and the product is set to "Product with combinations" Does the demo not work or am I doing something wrong? 3rd - I don't want the "Amount of product needed" input section. How do I disable it? TIA
  10. beetea

    obsolete files

    Thanks, but that doesn't work. Core updater: Your installation is broken! We have detected some problems with your installation. You should fix them by updating your store. Note that it is safe to update your store because there are no local changes Missing files vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key vendor/bin/semver vendor/bin/update-versions Extra files vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key-replace.php_ vendor/bin/semver-replace.php_ vendor/bin/update-versions-replace.php_ Configuration Information: Changed/missing/obsolete files have been detected. Obsolete files (3) vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key-replace.php_ vendor/bin/semver-replace.php_ vendor/bin/update-versions-replace.php_ I won't worry about it - just leave them in place.
  11. Thanks - it's OK now.
  12. My core updater page shows this error. This is a recent install on localhost and coreupdater is at version 1.4.5 What should I do? TIA CoreUpdater\Api\ThirtybeesApiException: Server returned unexpected response: in /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/classes/api/ThirtybeesApiGuzzle.php:311 Stack trace: #0 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/classes/api/ThirtybeesApiGuzzle.php(246): CoreUpdater\Api\ThirtybeesApiGuzzle->unwrapResponse(Array, Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response)) #1 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/classes/api/ThirtybeesApiGuzzle.php(146): CoreUpdater\Api\ThirtybeesApiGuzzle->callApi('versions') #2 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/controllers/admin/AdminCoreUpdaterController.php(153): CoreUpdater\Api\ThirtybeesApiGuzzle->getVersions() #3 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/controllers/admin/AdminCoreUpdaterController.php(109): AdminCoreUpdaterController->findVersionToUpdate() #4 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/controllers/admin/AdminCoreUpdaterController.php(397): AdminCoreUpdaterController->initUpdateTab() #5 [internal function]: AdminCoreUpdaterController->performInitContent() #6 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/classes/ErrorHandler.php(56): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #7 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/coreupdater/controllers/admin/AdminCoreUpdaterController.php(376): CoreUpdater\ErrorHandler->handleErrors(Array) #8 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/classes/controller/Controller.php(210): AdminCoreUpdaterController->initContent() #9 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/classes/Dispatcher.php(852): ControllerCore->run() #10 /srv/www/htdocs/thirtybees/adminXXXXXXXX/index.php(63): DispatcherCore->dispatch() #11 {main}
  13. beetea

    obsolete files

    OK thanks!
  14. beetea

    obsolete files

    I've just installed TB on localhost for testing and in the Advanced Parameters / Configuration Information section I see obsolete files: Obsolete files (3) vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key vendor/bin/semver vendor/bin/update-versions But when I remove them, the updater reports these three files as missing. Are these files obsolete or required? TIA
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