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datakick last won the day on April 26

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  1. I've moved this discussion to separate thread, as it has not much to do with 1.5.1 release announcement 🙂
  2. Not easily, no. The product name displayed in checkout is supposed to be short text (not html), including customization data would make it very unreadable.
  3. You have to set mailqueue as your default email transport in Email settings, otherwise the system will send it immediately.
  4. That's true, chex does not have such functionality. Newest version of stripe let you sort stripe payment methods, so that can help.
  5. I'm afraid none. As far as I know, there's hardcoded logic for PS_OS_CANCELED and PS_OS_ERROR statuses, and that's it. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/6c9db328c27a93be59b7ed8d32cef8deb0169105/classes/order/OrderHistory.php#L174-L217
  6. There is some (probably module/override) code that access this property on front-office controllers. You have to figure out what code is that, and fix it -- it should probably work with back-office controllers only. Look at stacktrace for this error to figure out what code attempts to access the property.
  7. First line should look like this: public function &__get($name)
  8. At the time of payment order does not exists yet. We could store cart id there, though.
  9. Latest module of stripe uses api 2023-10-16 -- if you use stripe only with thirty bees, you should set this version as default in your stripe dashboard
  10. Native mollie modue is coming soon. It will have it's library dependencies namespaced / prefixed, so the problems I wrote above will not be present. The module is based on latest mollie version for prestashop backported to thirtybees - some functionality had to be stripped because they utilized ps17 features, but most of it survived.
  11. Mollie module, like many other modules, depends on third party libraries. These libraries are part of module zip file. And module contains some specific version of the library. For example, mollie it can contains on guzzle v6.0 while stripe can contain guzzle v7.0. These libraries are load on demand using autoloader. The first module that is used will load its version of library. For example, if the stripe module hook is called first, then system will use guzzle v7. If the mollie hook is called first, system will use guzzle v6. What's worse, system can use different library versions for different requests. So, if the module works on not may depend on existence (and installation order) of other modules in the system. Crazy. There is nothing tb core can do to prevent this. We can implement some detection mechanism and warn user if there are two (or more) versions of the same library on classpath. But that's about that.
  12. Anybody having issues with new version of stripe module so far? I personally encountered problem with P24 payment method -- sometimes stripe redirects customer back before the payment is marked as processed. Redirect handler then fetches payment status from stripe api, and fails because the transaction is not validated yet. In my opinion, this is bug on stripe side -- they should redirect only after the payment process is finalised, but sometimes they don't do that. My store successfully processed few P24 payments already, but yesterday there was one that failed. We will need to implement more robust validation methods (cron / webhooks) and not rely on redirects so much in the future. That will take some time to implement, though
  13. inspect zip file if it's valid theme. Sometimes it contains doc + another zip file with actual theme zip file.
  14. I personally don't like this kind of blanket/site wide solution. What if there is some module that actually want to prevent scroll events, for example some module that implements infinite scroll functionality? This could easily break it.
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