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  1. Last time I had looked, 'apt update' was quoting hundreds of megs to install the necessary packages for PHP 8 (and I only currently have hundreds of megs of free space on my VPS : upgrading to the next larger would cost ~30% more per month); at this point the upgrade installation size appears to be somewhat lower, as apparently I've already installed a few other packages which required the same libraries, so I might be able to squeeze PHP 8 on there (but not sure about the TB update, as my 1.3 modules list is indicating that ~ a couple dozen modules have upgrades now also)... FWIW, Debian 10, which most all VPS providers which I've check out currently offer, comes with PHP 7 installed.
  2. Facebook/Meta has just required me to provide them with business information, as they appear to have increased their requirements for advertising products on their service; apparently they want you to add items for sale to their own storefront software. There is apparently a 'PrestaShop' module for sharing products, but in examining it on the 'PrestaShop Marketplace', it appears to require PS 1.7 (and when I attempted to install it in my TB 1.3.0 shop anyhow, it does indeed hurl). https://addons.prestashop.com/en/products-on-facebook-social-networks/50291-prestashop-social-with-facebook-instagram.html I've noticed a tendency amongst other of their module developers to start compatibility at PS 1.7, as apparently the API changed significantly at that point. I'm wondering if maybe y'all should somehow 'upgrade' TB for PS 1.7 compatibility? And/or ~backport their module to 1.6 for them?? David
  3. FWIW, I don't consider the forced upgrade to PHP 8 to be an advantage; I have PHP 7 installed, and am currently running a minimal on a minimally sized VPS; upgrading to PHP 8 would require upgrading the drive size... I'm wondering what PHP 8 features you found necessary which may justify a forced migration?
  4. Still seems to have issues, though, IMO; for some reason regardless of whether I choose multx products, the 'PayPal Checkout' button only wants to order one of them (apparently pinned to min product quantity somewhere along the pipe!?). I also tried downloading the 'Paypal Official' module via 'PrestaShop', and it apparently had some sort of namespace collision, overwriting the 'ThirtyBees' module [installing into a same named 'paypal' folder] (first downloaded from 'git' release source & 'build'ed, but 'back office' apparently didn't install the zip file made for some reason [though it claimed it was successful], so I ended up restoring that module from backup). Might want to use a folder name that's not somebody else's trademark!
  5. Hmm; it's looking like the thirtybees paypal 'product' specific code freezes in such a manner if 'ajax cart' is not enabled (!?).
  6. I'm attempting to use the 'Paypal Checkout' button on my product page, but for some reason it displays a lock cursor with a spinning circle around it & stalls there, whereas on the cart checkout page it seems to work as may be expected. Also, I'm wondering what it takes to center that button (I've tried centering the container_express_checkout 'div' using a variety of methods); I'm now thinking that it may be something I have to adjust in paypal.css or override from there or something (?). Not sure where this 'zoid' stuff is coming from yet either...
  7. Hmm... although my server has a hard IP address, apparently something betwixt it & my clients at this locale may be changing. I appear to have fixed the multx requesting password issue by turning off the Administration->Preference->'Check the cookie's IP address' First found by me here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/213049-solution-for-admin-login-problem/
  8. Those 'answers's don't seem to fix my issue(s): My Safari 15.1 installation already was allowing 'cookies'; my FireFox 94.0.2 only had blocking 'cross-site' cookies on : if I explicitly allow all cookies on my site via 'exception', no change. If I turn on _PS_MODE_DEV_ and _PS_DEBUG_SQL_, the message in browser indicates that at those times it's asking for a password, it "Caught redirection" i.e. " to index.php?controller=AdminLogin&token=4817c692229755aed667df51416af263&redirect=AdminModules". Those times when a password isn't asked for, no redirection message is shown. FWIW, It seems to be somewhat more successful in avoiding asking for a password if I wait for several seconds+ before clicking on another link... David
  9. Hmm... I improved things somewhat by aligning the site url & paths in '/sites-enabled/thirtybees.conf' to be in-line with the extant base site url & paths (no fancy stuff w/wildcard domain aliases), however it still is asking for the admin password the first time I click on most of the back-end admin menu items on the left, and randomly will still pop up & ask for the password again... The modules item is still the most finicky; I got it to install the 'PayPal' module by trying it multiple times (and 'configure' of it works 1 in 5 or so times), but the test button on that page claims that I don't have TLS 1.2 even though a 3rd party PHP script that calls 'curl' on https://www.howsmyssl.com/a/check indicates that my system is using 1.3 (!?); and further doesn't seem to want to save any of the PayPal module's options... I generally followed this site's instructions to install in extant apache2 & mysql config: https://www.linuxcloudvps.com/blog/install-thirty-bees-on-ubuntu-16-04/ David
  10. I managed to install 'thirtybees' on my vps, with the only warning being shown being the PayPal security issue mentioned elsewhere as ~ignorable [TLS 1.2 tested ok] (though it had to upgrade a number of files in my PHP 7.3 install (now PHP 7.3.31-1~deb10u1) to add php-bcmath & php-zip) ... Demo web store seems to be working to the extent tested so far.. However, after it gave me the admin URL, and I disabled the 'install', it now asks me for the admin password repeatedly, most every time I select anything noteworthy in the admin area... most of the time it'll take me to that section after re-entering the password (though it apparently fails to install modules that way). [!!??] Tried using alternative browsers, restarting server, to no avail... How to fix, I wonder?
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