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Everything posted by 312erik123

  1. The strange this is that it only changes some of the characters: Checked it on a prestashop site where the import works without any problems...
  2. Hello, This issue has kind of re-appeared, now most of, not all, scandinavian letters are changed to chinese(?) characters... On bleeding edge...Anyone else? @the.rampage.rado Do you know anything? Br. Erik
  3. Ah, but maybe then the ability to select several or select all - like in the product listings in BO?
  4. I use the original default-bootstrap from prestashop, I've modified it so much so can't really change. But don't have the CLS problems on prestashop...
  5. So far just a testing environment - all in all very good. Experiencing some CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) issues that I didn't get with prestashop so trying to understand why. Went straight to bleeding edge!
  6. Hey, Just migrated a store from prestashop to TB. After the migration TB recommended hundreds of database fixes - took like 45 min to apply them all. Would be great with a "Apply all" - button. More nice to have than need to have, but still 😀 Br Erik
  7. Thanks! Works!
  8. Have the same issue - did you manage to solve it?
  9. Works! Perfect, many thanks! checked my backup site, it also hade 7.4 in the platform_check file before any changes/updates. So I guess settings.conf.php wasnt being updated, but the rest of the system was
  10. Done. But can I verify that I now have the 7.4 version? "Advanced Parameters>Configuration Information" reads from settings.conf.php as I understand it?
  11. Changing the permission did make the updater change a lot of files, but settings.conf.php still says that tb is built for 7.2…anyway to check if the upgrade is made besides this file?
  12. Yes, as I wrote I tried that to - but no effect…a bug maybe?
  13. Sure but still - backoffice says to use core updater to upgrade to version made for different php-version but does not work…
  14. I’m on a shared hosting so I am forced to choose one version…
  15. Afraid I can’t, running an older application on the same server so 7.4 is the highest I can go… Do I have to do a complete new install?
  16. Hello, I get this message in "Advanced Parameters>Configuration Information": "Your server is running on PHP version 7.4.33. You should use core updater and fix your installation". My TB is built for 7.2. I've tried to upgrade to bleeding edge - still the same message. Tried to set the option "Target PHP version" to 7.4 and update but still the same... Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!
  17. We'll kind of figured that it was safer to stay on a stable release for a production environment...but maybe I'll set up a test environment and do the upgrade. Do you have good experience with the 1.5 alpha/beta?
  18. Great, many thanks! I just replaced the two files from the commit and works as expected!
  19. Hello, I upgraded to TB1.4 and since then TB wont accept CSV-imports where I use scandinavian letter (åäö etc). This is quite the problem for me - anyone else expericened the same problem? Any solutions? When looking at the CSV import page, fields with these characters arn't even being read... Br. Erik
  20. Hello, My store uses Swedish as it's only language. I wanted to change the translation of one line of text in the blockcart module so went to BO>Translations >Localization. Selected Installed Modules translations, Core, and Swedish and changed the line I wanted to change, pressed save. Now all of a sudden blockcart is in English, the rest of the site is still swedish. I have tried to disable/enable, unistall/reinstall blockcart but still English...any suggestions? Also cleared cache etc. Br. Erik
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