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Everything posted by Coachonko

  1. The default tb webservice. I am trying to figure out exactly what they request that might be missing when the customer is a guest
  2. My shipping partner fetches thirty bees data using the web service to create shipments on their website, Their website doesn't fail to fetch any data (no errors in the logs) but it fails to create shipments for guest orders. At the moment I have to manually create shipments on their website for all guest orders. I can't change their software and they refuse to change it, how can I "fix" this issue on my end? (without disabling guest checkouts)
  3. Never mind, it turned out to be a problem on the client side
  4. In the process of debugging the paypal module I have upgraded a staging environment to bleeding edge, I know for certain that the webservice worked fine before the upgrade, now the shipping company can't get the orders from the webservice. Is the webservice broken on bleeding edge?
  5. Make thirty bees read-only and start a new project called thirtythree bees, this time as a RESTful API instead of monolithic. No more legacy code, everybody does whatever they want with the front-end. Provide a templating engine as a module for those who want server-rendered. I might just do this myself actually.
  6. I have just tested with 5.4.5 and I get the same error. I should also mention that I am using the one-page checkout, if you'd like to try to reproduce the issue Upgrading to bleeding-edge / 1.4 is not ideal, as the production environment does have a theme already developed and some overrides (though still no third party modules). But I will attempt the upgrade to fix the paypal module, I need the guest checkouts working. UPDATE: I have tested bleeding edge and the error happens there too. To recap: this happens on a clean install of tb, bleeding edge, no overrides, many default modules disabled, niara theme, one page checkout. It also happens on 1.3.0 and with PayPal module version 5.4.5. UPDATE2: provided screenshot of modules enabled I believe the module does something to the cart because the cart is gone, but it is not successfully transformed into an order.
  7. Ok, I am testing this on a clean tb install without any overrides. So you can take those out of the equation. As for modules, I am also not using any third party modules. Many of the ones that come with a clean install have been disabled too, as an attempt to isolate the problem. The log directory does not get any update, and the system logs in /var/log/php-fpm only report those notices. I don't know where this error is logged, if it is at all. Can you please help me?
  8. On module version 5.5.0 and tb 1.3.0, PHP 7.4 Logged-in customers can checkout fine, guest checkouts always fail, resulting in the message An error occurred during the payment Trying to debug the problem, all I can find in the logs is the following 3 notices from PHP-FPM. [14-Oct-2022 07:34:48 Europe/Rome] PHP Notice: Undefined index: order_reference in /var/www/domain.com/html/cache/smarty/compile/8c/ef/52/8cef52e10da76c532f10ad5be9c7a51c761cc3ee_0.file.order-confirmation-plus.tpl.php on line 119 [14-Oct-2022 07:34:48 Europe/Rome] PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'value' of non-object in /var/www/domain.com/html/cache/smarty/compile/8c/ef/52/8cef52e10da76c532f10ad5be9c7a51c761cc3ee_0.file.order-confirmation-plus.tpl.php on line 119 [14-Oct-2022 07:34:51 Europe/Rome] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: process in /var/www/domain.com/html/modules/paypal/paypal.php on line 935 The last undefined variable error was fixed here. order_reference is used to create a link for the user to follow the order. The fact that it is undefined makes me think that the order id is not created. In the backoffice, I can confirm that the guest user is created correctly, with all of the information. To me it is clearly an issue is with the module. This is a serious problem, please help.
  9. The paypal module, when using the payments plus option, (slowly) loads login/cc options in an iframe. This iframe seems to be in english only, there does not seem to be a language selection within the iframe. How does it select the correct language? Why does it ignore the selected front-office language?
  10. While I was trying to solve this problem I found the following errors in the php-fpm logs [08-Oct-2022 08:30:59 Europe/Brussels] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: process in /var/www/domain.com/html/modules/paypal/paypal.php on line 935 This is filling the /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log file I am on Euro Linux 8.6, PHP 7.4, thirty bees 1.3 stable Update: I have opened a github issue on the paypal repository about this.
  11. O my god... I had completely forgotten about the selinux booleans. And that was the problem. `sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on` fixed it. This is not the first time it happened. They're always too far in the back of my mind. Thank you for reminding me
  12. On stable 1.3.0 I want to move away from using PHP's mail function, I want to connect to a SMTP server using port 465 with TLS. I enter SMTP server, username, password, encryption and port according to the mail server requirements, but when I test the configuration I get the following Connection could not be established with host mail.domain.com [Permission denied #13] Note: mail.domain.com is a placeholder to ask for help here, the configuration I entered is correct but it does not seem to work. The mail server is not blocking my thirty bees server, my thirty bees server does not have any ports blocked. I believe this problem is specific to thirty bees. Where can I find more information about this error? I don't see it in the logs in the logs directory and it does not even appear in the php-fpm logs. What can the problem be?
  13. I want to edit email templates, I know they are located in the mails folder, but should I just edit them there or is there a better way to handle it that preserves the originals?
  14. Thanks! This can be very useful when there is a large amount of these links, dynamically getting title is much faster than editing translations. contactMeta works perfectly categoryMeta works but it seems like thirty bees appends the name of the website to the title, so the output should be processed. The cmsMeta doesn't seem to work. If how do you fetch the name of the page instead of the meta title?
  15. I can get links to pages with the following smarty tags {$link->getPageLink('contact')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {$link->getCategoryLink(4)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {$link->getCmsLink(9)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} Is there a way to get page titles instead of having to use the {l s='title'} tags?
  16. Is the need of setting different rates for different ZIP codes something unique to Italy? Should this feature be in the core of thirty bees? wakabayashi also assumed it would be a core feature that had to do with zones. Adding a database table does make sense but managing a database is a bit more complex than editing cleartext. With a GUI I can see shop owners manage it fine though.
  17. Aaaah I get it, thank you.
  18. Thanks, those are interesting suggestions. I really have no idea why I can't get any module I write to work, I wish I could find more information on how to do this. The modules I write just simply do not show up in the modules list in the backoffice, so I can't actually install them Do you have any example of the *correct way* to override? I followed PS documentation and it was very lackluster. Should mention that I primarily code in swift and I am not experienced with PHP.
  19. I don't think it is possible to assign zip codes to zones without overrides no, I haven't seen that anywhere
  20. I've seen some posts about doing this on PS 1.4 and 1.5 so I did what I could: 1. created override in override/classes/Address.php <?php class Address extends AddressCore { // New function to get the postcode from the given address public static function getPostcodeByAddress($idAddress){ $pc = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow( (new DbQuery()) ->select('postcode') ->from('address', 'a') ->where('a.`id_address` = '.(int) $idAddress) ); return $pc['postcode']; } public static function getZoneById($idAddress) { if (!isset($idAddress) || empty($idAddress)) { return false; } // Use the new function $postcode=self::getPostcodeByAddress($idAddress); // Minor islands and Venice if (in_array($postcode,array( "04027", // Ponza "80073", // Capri "09014", // Carloforte "98000", // Eolie, Salina "91023", // Favignana "58012", // Giglio "80070", // Ischia "07024", // La Maddalena "92010", // Lampedusa, Linosa "98055", // Lipari "91017", // Pantelleria "80079", // Procida "71040", // Tremiti "90010", // Ustica // Venezia begin "30121", "30122", "30123", "30124", "30125", "30126", "30127", "30128", "30129", "30130", "30131", "30132", "30133", "30134", "30135", "30136", "30137", "30138", "30139", "30140", "30141", "30142", "30143", "30144", "30145", "30146", "30147", "30148", "30149", "30150", "30151", "30152", "30153", "30154", "30155", "30156", "30157", "30158", "30159", "30160", "30161", "30162", "30163", "30164", "30165", "30166", "30167", "30168", "30169", "30170", "30171", "30172", "30173", "30174", "30175", "30176", // Venezia end "57031", "57032", "57033", "57036", "57037", "57038", "57039" // Elba ))) { return 10; // ID of the zone for these zip codes } // Livigno is even more expensive if (in_array($postcode,array("23030"))) { // Array because maybe more zip codes will be added in the future return 11; // ID of the zone for these zip codes } if (isset(static::$_idZones[$idAddress])) { return static::$_idZones[$idAddress]; } $idZone = Hook::exec('actionGetIDZoneByAddressID', ['id_address' => $idAddress]); if (is_numeric($idZone)) { static::$_idZones[$idAddress] = (int) $idZone; return static::$_idZones[$idAddress]; } $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow( (new DbQuery()) ->select('s.`id_zone` AS `id_zone_state`, c.`id_zone`') ->from('address', 'a') ->leftJoin('country', 'c', 'c.`id_country` = a.`id_country`') ->leftJoin('state', 's', 's.`id_state` = a.`id_state` AND c.`contains_states` = 1') ->where('a.`id_address` = '.(int) $idAddress) ); static::$_idZones[$idAddress] = (int) ((int) $result['id_zone_state'] ? $result['id_zone_state'] : $result['id_zone']); return static::$_idZones[$idAddress]; } } 2. tested It seems to work properly on checkout. More testing should be done. Does anything look off to you? UPDATE: I still want feedback on this override. From my testing it seems to work as intended both for registered and guest customers. I'll mark it as best answer so others may use this information for their shop
  21. I am working for a shop based in Italy. In italy there are "remote areas" within municipalities (states) that cost more money to deliver to. The shipping partner provided a list of ZIP codes of these locations. I want to override TB to assign these zip codes to a zone that isn't the default state zone, so that when a customer provides the mandatory zip code at checkout (guest or registered), the carrier rates of the correct zone are applied. What controller handles this behavior? UPDATE: please look at the override below
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