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Messenger Bee

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Messenger Bee last won the day on December 14 2020

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  1. Let us know what new features you'd love to see in the new Thirty Bees! We'll try to add the reasonable ones in future road maps and action them accordingly 😀
  2. So we all know that many of us during development sometimes land up making changes to TB Core files (gasp!). This is usually out of necessity, to fix bugs encountered or add basic stuff that should be there or that was omitted by the original Prestashop devs for whatever reason. Or sometimes it's just plain naivety 😉 In an ideal world one should not be modifying Core files, for obvious reasons. However sometimes it is a valid change... So let us know what you've changed and why. Maybe if it's valid we can update Core, thereby limiting the need for you to add something or fix something that should already be there or should have been fixed already. And no, we won't judge or persecute 😉 Let us know below
  3. Awesomeness! Great to have @datakick onboard! TB 2.0 here we go! 😀
  4. Good idea. And thanks to @musicmaster of course for Prestools and for your contributions and input throughout the years. Although imo, it's more for advanced users rather than casual or new shopkeepers. However, if it is decided to do this, then it will have to be modulised, styled, tidied up and afterwards maintained, and obviously permission from musicmaster. And you know, with limited resources... But good idea nonetheless, imo
  5. Thanks for the support and contributios @zen Looking forward to an exciting future together 😀
  6. We had a lot of pressure to wrap up and make an announcement before the end of the year. If we did not make the announcement in time many of you would've left in droves. A lack of a roadmap does not mean that there aren't any plans to address the issues voiced in the community and that there would not be a roadmap shortly. It is merely a case of time constraints. Thirty Bees is alive again, after a tumultuous and uncertain period. Purchased by someone who genuinely cares about the project and the community. For us all it should be a sigh of relief. Leaving now is jumping the gun, imo. Give us a chance and time to settle in and prepare everything for the future and for your involvement. @wakabayashi Your contributions and your role as a moderator has been invaluable and is appreciated. Your voice is being heard. Your continued support and involvement will make a difference. Stepping away now does not help. Please stay and continue being involved - your contribution will help us all make TB 'great again'. We need all hands on deck if we're going to make this new endeavour succeed.
  7. Ladies and gentlemen 😁 Drum roll Announcement imminent today 😀
  8. Probably sometime early next year. It's my understanding that some progress has already been made regarding the fork, in case of a no deal scenario. Obviously it will still need to be completed, but then we can fully commit to it and get it done asap.
  9. Hi all We understand the frustration and uncertainty about the future of TB that is being felt here due to no news and constant delays. The delays are caused by having to resolve the issue with the partner and this is holding up the contract being finalised. If it was up to us it would have been sorted out long ago... However, we've decided that we and you cannot wait forever. We are committed to making Thirtybees succeed and evolve for the future. We have a great team and one of the Core developers, @datakick on board. And with you support, we know we can succeed. Because of this, we've decided that if the contract is not signed by end December we will fork. Either way, Thirtybees will succeed and continue in the future in one form or another. You will not be left hanging. We have you covered and backed by the Core developer on our team, you can be rest assured that we will deliver, whatever happens. Your and our stores will continue to be supported and TB will evolve for the future. We know it's a hard ask and we're impatient too. But if we can ask for just a little more patience please...
  10. Nope not dead yet. We understand it's quiet, and it may seem that nothing is happening. However, things are moving behind the scenes. We continue to ask for patience while everything is resolved. Will let you know as soon as we have news.
  11. Freediving analogy indeed. This is the final push. Let's hope we get to the surface. Either way, it's good to know that we are able to respawn to a commanding position on terrafirma 😉
  12. Hi Apologies for the delay in response. As mentioned before, the contract is currently with our attorney for analysis and the negotiations continue based on recommendations from the attorney. This is perfectly normal and routine. Also difficult to predict exact times as it's a bit of a process. We continue to ask for patience and will of course let you guys know when we know. In the meantime, Thirty Bees is not dead. There is activity in Github and bugs continue to be fixed. Also, if you do run into problems, you can submit a bug in Github and you can always make a post in the forum.
  13. Hi all We have some news to share with you: We've received the updated contract and after a few minor modifications, we felt comfortable enough to send it to our attorney. The contract is now at our attorney for verification and final approval. We should have more news soon. Will keep you posted.
  14. @Community: Maybe you guys can shed some light here for @led24ee ?
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