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  1. Found another post - I didn't look properly.
  2. Hi All, After installing TB 1.4.0 and running a core/module update, block image slider goes wrong and stops displaying ANYTHING you display in there. I've removed the module, re-installed it, reset it, changed the image file names and re-uploaded. Can anyone help?
  3. adamh

    Creating Forms

    Completely Agree - I support developers and their work. I don't want to go into to much detail as to why I am here, but I am testing TB with a view to offering it out to my customer base, thus supporting TB and its community of developers. I love the platform, sometimes you need to give a little though to capture the customer and giving a free plugin here and there wins the customer over, then later they may require a paid plugin or a more advanced one The problem we find with WP is that for some people, it's just to complicated - then we lose customers and they go to online platforms that charge monthly fee's .... we often see them again second time round when they come back 🙂
  4. Hi All, Love this section of TB where you can pre-define a list of features that you can select for a product - SUCH a shame that on the front end it's listed under 'Data Sheet' ..... Anyway of changing this, maybe to.....Product Features ?
  5. adamh

    Creating Forms

    I was just interested if there was a module to create forms of any type. I come from a WP + Elementor background so I was looking for what type of options are available to me. I see that because TB is a folk of PS, often their modules will work on TB. One of the things that put me off PS was that everything costs usually in the £60+ range. Don't get me wrong, premium WP plugins costs as well but there are also free ones which is good.
  6. Hi All, I was looking at the priority management in the product record ( Shop > Currency > Country > Group ) What does it mean exactly, Shop takes priority over everything? But if you have a group called 'Wholesale' who receive heavy discounts, will shop prices take priority? I know in the example above, that does not happen, because I've tested it. I'm just wondering how it works.
  7. Anyone aware of a module that can be used to create forms for TB?
  8. Hey sorry for the delay - been tied up with other projects. I did see somewhere that you can hide modules, but I'll have to go hunting for it again. What other themes are there for Thirty Bees? When I looked there only seemed to be two.
  9. Hi All, Whilst in a mobile view of the site and after selecting a category, All the store information, New Products, Tags, Viewed Products, Popular Posts etc etc come in at the top, before the products. Is there a way to switch that around? Products first, information last Thanks 🙂
  10. Ah! - That's brilliant. I thought it was being controlled by the Categories (when making new categories etc) Thanks for that 🙂
  11. Hi All, Looking at using thirty bees but I cannot figure out how the categories navigation menu is working. Currently have the demo installed with the Tea / coffee example. However Tea is showing as a top level category link when its a sub category of Coffee and Tea and yet it also shows in the sub category of Coffee and Tea Any ideas what is causing this? Attached some screen shots
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