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Havouza last won the day on September 10 2024

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  1. But these two lines are identical
  2. @datakick I get the attached error when trying to upgrade the php from 7.4 to 8.3. I understand that it is a probem with a module in the theme. There is perhaps more but must test to start somewhere and see if it is possible Any hints please, shop_error.txt
  3. Yea I did decrypt it but attached wrong file
  4. Problem Solved. Curl was not installed on the new server for some reason
  5. @datakick Someone can interpret this decrypted 500 error. Se attachment exception_202532217170.txt
  6. I have created an account on Google merchant. After crawling is say that product images is to small and must be 100x100 or bigger. But all images is made from 800x800 images. Anyone knows which image Google look at. The small_default is 98x98. Can it be that problem
  7. Have looked thru them. Problem is that not one of them state what php version they support
  8. Everything we use in modules manage php 8, its just the theme that don't. As I read your answer PS 1.7 and 8.x themes can work with TB?
  9. We run the latest version of TB. It rund php7.4 because it seems there is some modules that cant handle php8. It seems that the Theme is the problem. I know there is no TB themes but before PS themes worked. Now PS has no 1.6 themes anymore and I assume 1.7 and 8.x does not work. Am I correct?
  10. Ok I copies from another one and changed the content THANKS for the help. Not something simple really
  11. Can I just create an empty new_order.txt
  12. That does not exist in any mails folder
  13. @datakick It is not translated but it is present in the mail folder for the shop language swedish. So at least it should be sent. It exist both in the root mail folder and in the theme mail folder. More suggestions please
  14. @datakick I just noticed that the change say ssl. SSL is really depreaced so we use TLS. But perhaps it does not matter, it mostly a name change
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