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  1. Hi nickz, Thanks for your insight and response. I just read today 11/25/2023 that Google will retire its Mobile Usability Report in search console before end of 2023! Problem solved :)
  2. Google search console identified my site as having mobility usability issues...."text too small to read"...."clickable elements too close together". The problem exist only on my products pages (not on landing page, blog pages, cms pages). I created my website using the standard TB's Niara theme, using all the preset element for products page, such as spacing, fonts, etc... Anyone else having this same issue? Any recommendations how to format and fit google's standards ? Since my technical skills are limited and do not include working on css files, I'm looking for a simple solution :)
  3. Hi, it's my first time posting on the forum. Since I'm not a techie, can I request ya'll explain the technical solution to a non-technical person. Greatly appreciated. (not wanting to offend anyone on this forum, certain items are blacked out on image) Below is the process that got me into this sticky situation. 1. General Preferences activated and enabled > "Enable Multi-Store" 2. Advanced Parameter > Multi Store: made changes to the store name, repeated steps 1 & 2 and did reset to default positions (multi store is now disabled) 3. Attempted to delete the 3 sub-categories boxed in red on image - THEY ARE NOW LOCKED IN THE X POSITION. They will not delete with the >"EDIT" "DELETE" function, also they do not show up as a sub-category in my file structure or menu. My current work-around is to create three identical sub-categories, and they seem to be working just fine. However, I do know that having dead links floating not good for performance, search engines, etc. 4. When I attempt to delete the locked categories, it automatically bounces back to the main category Question: How do i go to delete the X (old, unused, stuck) categories? Any advise or thoughts are appreciated. NOTE: the 3 old sub-categories now have the same position "1"
  4. lola

    Shop Logo URL

    datakick! thanks for sharing your expertise. I've been searching TB tutorials 5+ hours for "How to rename / change store name" and according to tutorials it should be an easy process...the process doesn't work! Your expertise advise solved my problem. Thanks
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