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Everything posted by ThierryC

  1. I found a Prestashop module that would do what I am looking for, is it compatible with Thirty Bees 1.5.1 or does anyone know how to adapt it? https://webkul.com/blog/prestashop-product-serial-key-manager/
  2. Does this module already exist or does it have to be written?
  3. Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to automate the email sending of a product license number when a customer buys a software aka "virtual product"? Is there a module or is it simply not possible within Thirty Bees?
  4. I found the answer here after posting on Github:
  5. I have also tried jpg pictures and no picture is displayed in the Block Image Slider. What could be wrong?
  6. Is there a reason why the module Block Image Slider does not display any picture whatever their size? I am using Thirtybees 1.5.1 with the version 2.10 of the slider. I am using png files.
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