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Everything posted by SakuraKitKats

  1. One more question, how do I disable the message in the order details and remove the gift icon?
  2. Setting the dummy message helped me and has stopped showing the error so I can continue, thanks for the solutions!
  3. Thank you kindly but unfortunately after trying out both solutions, clearing caches and trying different browsers it still ends up giving me the "Invalid gift message" error. Do you have any other solution or clue to why this error could still occur?
  4. Thank you for your advice, I am coming from PrestaShop and recently switched to TB and the gift message was not mandatory in PS8 (I used the same method to get rid of the message in PS8 and it did let me continue) But in TB it seems to be mandatory to have a gift message... I am sorry, but where do I put the hidden input field in?
  5. I am just using the normal Niara theme and TB 1.5.1 I edited the file "order-carrier.tpl"
  6. So I don't know if this is a bug or a feature but I wanted to replace the Gift Wrapping option with a custom one, and for that I want the gift message text removed. Everything works and the gift message disappeared after I commented out the following part in the order-carrier.tlp file: <p id="gift_div"> <label for="gift_message">{l s='If you\'d like, you can add a note to the gift:'}</label> <textarea rows="2" cols="120" id="gift_message" class="form-control" name="gift_message">{$cart->gift_message|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</textarea> </p> However, now I have the issue that it gives me the error "Invalid gift message" even though I removed the message field which is strange, because it shouldn't be a mandatory thing. Or at least it wasn't mandatory in PS 1.6. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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