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Everything posted by flyingrooster

  1. The field for where the tinyMCE editor goes is missing. If I create a new or edit a HTML block. The 'block name' label and field are there. The contact name is there, but the field to enter content is missing. The Hook dropdown and the Active yes / no is there. When I inspect it shows. style="visibility: hidden;" Same when creating or editing a product.
  2. @yaniv14 Thanks
  3. Hi, using TB 1.5.1 How can I remove the need for address, street, city etc, as I only sell virtual products. Thanks a lot
  4. Just added the CSS in TB 1.5.1 and it worked thanks
  5. Hi, I would like to hide the xxxx Items counter, that's above the price social links and the print link Whats a simple or best way to do this, thanks a lot
  6. thanks, should I be using tbswiftmailer ? on Use PHP's mail() function or Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY) If I user 'set my own SMTP... after I fill in all the fields, the password field goes blank, after clicking save. Is this normal? thanks
  7. new site, still testing, Test email looks like this --_=_swift_v4_1723351764_8a8147c7db93db8b0bc8ce0cda102212_=_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello This is a TEST E-MAIL from= your shop. If you can read this, the test was successful!. --_=_swift_v4_1723351764_8a8147c7db93db8b0bc8ce0cda102212_=_ Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="_=_swift_v4_1723351764_31285a0a45515633640ed3800e013eeb_=_" --_=_swift_v4_1723351764_31285a0a45515633640ed3800e013eeb_=_ /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD//gA7Q1JFQVRPUjogZ2QtanBlZyB2MS4wICh1c2luZyBJSkcg SlBFRyB2NjIpLCBxdWFsaXR5ID0gOTAK/9sAQwADAgIDAgIDAwMDBAMDBAUIBQUEBAUKBwcGCAwK DAwLCgsLDQ4SEA0OEQ4LCxAWEBETFBUVFQwPFxgWFBgSFBUU/9sAQwEDBAQFBAUJBQUJFA0LDRQU FBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQU/8IAEQgAOwIy AwERAAIRAQMRAf/EAB0AAAICAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBwkEBQYCAwH/xAAZAQACAwEAAAAAAAAA Then Test order confermation email, looks like this --_=_swift_v4_1723357508_68eeeee81ccf67b778c4d160c9834f2f_=_ Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_=_swift_v4_1723357508_d3fe31aa20581a72f61adbeb481e7eb1_=_" --_=_swift_v4_1723357508_d3fe31aa20581a72f61adbeb481e7eb1_=_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi first last, Thank you for shop= ping with testtesttestshop! ORDER: VRPNZSIPB Placed on 08/11/2024 16:2= 5:07 PAYMENT: Stripe: Credit Card REFERENCE PRODUCT UNI= T PRICE QUANTITY TOTAL PRICE =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09=09= =09=09=09=09 test =09=09=09=09=09=09$2.35 =09=09= =09=09=09=091 =09=09=09=09=09=09$2.35 =09 PRODUCTS = $2.35 DISCOUNTS $0.00 GIFT-WRAPPING $0.00 SHIPP= ING $0.00 TOTAL TAX PAID $0.21 TOTAL PAID $2.35 = Is this normal ? How can I tidy up? Thank you
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