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  1. @lesley I came here not to advertise only and ran away. I am willing to see how can we grow this community further and how Cloudways can make a good impact on Thirty Bees.
  2. @lesley I would advise you to share your words via proper channel. You will get every possible answer there.
  3. @lesley You can manually upgrade to the latest version, there's no limitation on it. However, if you're willing to suggest it, I would advise you to visit http://feedback.cloudways.com/ and raise your voice.
  4. @alwayspaws Loyal customers are rewarded with better support and new features. As everyone knows that recently Cloudways have launched CloudwaysCDN which is just $1 per month; I mean, these are the best rewards that current customers receive after some time.
  5. @tomik Well you know, new offers are always for the new customers. :innocent:
  6. Air is misty and filled with the sound of jingles. Chimneys are clean, and stockings are pinned to the shelves – waiting to get filled. You get the point…!! IT IS CHRISTMAS! Sign up on Cloudways Platform and use the Promo Code: HAPPY2018. You will get an astounding 20% OFF on the next SIX invoices. This gift is our contribution to the success of your Thirty Bees project. Now, remember that this deal comes with amazing Cloudways features such as 1-CLICK Installation of Thirty Bees, FREE SSL, FREE Migrations, Industry Standard Security, Automated Backups and 24×7 Support by Cloud Experts.
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