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Everything posted by LauraJ

  1. this is what i was using in the htaccess Redirect 301 /halloween-nail-decals.html https://naildots.com/items/Halloween-Nail-Decals Redirect 301 /4th-july-nail-decals.html http://naildots.com/items/fourth-of-july-nail-decals Redirect 301 /about-nail-dots.html http://naildots.com/items/info/details/about-us Redirect 301 /animal-nail-decals.html http://naildots.com/items/animals Redirect 301 /april-holiday-nail-decals.html http://naildots.com/items/seasonal Should i try your method? mine worked.... until it didn't... why "Match" and what is up arrow? and $??? THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!
  2. I removed all of the redirects in the htaccess except for the main page. I also checked the items in Traumflog's advice At back office -> Preferences -> General, did you turn on Enable SSL as well as Enable SSL on all pages ? IIRC this is the secret. However, I'm still faced with the issue that the OLD site has 50 product pages where all I can do is request that people click a link. I can't do a redirect in the main htaccess page for all of these pages can i redirect on each page? Traumflog's advice above said that's not a good idea....
  3. "Unfortunately, this configuration is outside the scope of support we can offer. We recommend that you consult with a web developer who is familiar with the scripts you are running and work with them to program the .htaccess file to accomplish your goals. Currently all standardized .htaccess commends used to redirect the domain to a sub folder are generating too many redirects. This issue actually lies in the .htaccess file located in the /items folder and potentially the script that is being run within."
  4. "At this time, we have disabled the htaccess in the public_html and the main page of the site is loading. However, the /items page appears to still be redirecting.We strongly suggest that customers consult with a professional development service to better serve their needs. If you or your developer or consultant identifies changes needing to be made to the server to accommodate your needs, please let us know and we will be happy to address those needs.If this issue persists, or if you have any further questions regarding this issue, please feel free to reply to this ticket."
  5. I contacted my hosting support - theyve disabled the htaccess Now nothing in my thirty bees installation is working at all. I can't even get to traumflug's area to make the change. Why can't life be simple?
  6. I've moved everything back to the htaccess page I've changed to https fourth of july has 2 pages within thirty bees, the one I gave is correct --- the one you listed is empty...
  7. my original site was all html coded, no store front / cart. original site was http://www.naildots.com I recently transferred to thirty bees. the new site is https://naildots.com/items another sample would be http://naildots.com/4th-july-nail-decals.html to http://naildots.com/items/fourth-of-july-nail-decals this one has a new meta tag - <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL='http://naildots.com/items/fourth-of-july-nail-decals'" /> I was using the htaccess page with all of the pages listed ie Redirect 301 /halloween-nail-decals.html https://naildots.com/items/Halloween-Nail-Decals Redirect 301 /4th-july-nail-decals.html http://naildots.com/items/fourth-of-july-nail-decals Redirect 301 /about-nail-dots.html http://naildots.com/items/info/details/about-us Redirect 301 /animal-nail-decals.html http://naildots.com/items/animals Redirect 301 /april-holiday-nail-decals.html http://naildots.com/items/seasonal
  8. it works from my phone too. Just not on the computer. Chrome. I had set all my redirects within the htaccess page for all pages of the website. It seemed to work fine. Now I'm getting errors as are others apparently.
  9. I'm getting errors on my own site (after no sales for 10 days..... I finally checked) Too many redirects This page isn’t working naildots.com redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS I've cleared my cookies (PC) ... still won't load. Site works on my phone though. Any ideas from my tech savy friends?
  10. Thank you - I will work on the redirects. I'm having trouble finding themes for thirtybees can someone help me find other ones?
  11. Recently converted my store from a long-standing strictly HTML store with Mals-ecommerce shopping "cart" SALES HAVE PLUMMETED. a small fraction of what they were. Can you help a girl out and visit the store. See if it's working right? See if it's aesthetically pleasing... HELP https://naildots.com THANKS IN ADVANCE
  12. I wasn't getting contact emails or order emails. I don't know what changed but I'm getting contact emails now at least - come on orders! :) thank you sorry to bother you
  13. I'm not getting email notifications through the system since changing to Niara, can you assist?
  14. Thank you!
  15. As I only use english on the site, do you think this would apply?
  16. no, after googling this seems out of my realm.... I have cpanel access... I'll keep looking
  17. Since I changed themes from Community to Niara - my order & contact emails are not arriving I don't even know where to look to fix this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  18. I've added the theme to my page and its dark. I don't know where I edit this to make it light as the demo is http://naildots.com/items/ Found it - reset the them configurator once I finally found that :)
  19. Can I remove the requirement for signing in to see the payment methods? Id like my customers to be able to check out AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE....
  20. LauraJ


    THANK YOU .... all set now
  21. LauraJ


    Can I remove the requirement for customers to enter their date of birth, can i remove it all together?
  22. LauraJ

    Emails returned

    That worked!!! I honestly searched for where that email was connected for the longest time... Crazy. THANK YOU!
  23. LauraJ

    Emails returned

    gmail address I have no issue with changing that to a domain based email
  24. LauraJ

    Emails returned

    I'm GREEN simple search tells me this is at the DOMAIN REGISTRAR.... not at the hosting? (domain not hosted at A2)
  25. LauraJ

    Emails returned

    Thanks - I'll contact A2 ... appreciate the input!
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