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Everything posted by Manisch
@SLiCK_303 so we have in common that we both imported customers etc? How did you do it? Directly via database? @zimmer-media thanks, but the problem isn't the template itself. It's more about how it's filled.
My invoice goes over ~5 pages, but I only posted the first one :D Did you start your shop from scratch, or did you also import customers and orders?
That doesn't sound much promising :( Can you show us a sample invoice of your shop?
That is correct. It's a migration-shop, so I wanted to play it save somehow. But I'm not sure it's about PayPal since other stuff is missing, too. And the example above is via bank wire.
PayPal 3.11.4 PHP 7.1.15 ThirtyBees 1.0.4
Good morning, I have an invoice issue. Some information is missing like the customer's address or the logo. Other lines seem to take the data from ALL orders like the payment method. They were displayed correctly a few days ago and I think the only thing that could have effected them should be the migration/import of old customers and orders. But looking to the backoffice, they "should" have been imported correctly. Any ideas? :D
Hmm, ok, all files were still on the server, so the classic solution to re-upload them didn't work. I fixed it by simply editing the corrupted admin menu tab again. Or lets say I just clicked on "edit", and then saved it again without changing anything.
Hello, I was trying to add a shortcut to a module to my admin menu. For some reason this effected my regular "Modules" tab. It always shows me "controller not found". Which is odd because I haven't touched anything around there :/ So I can't access my modules right now. Is there a way to restore it somehow? Settings are still: Name: Modules Class: AdminParentModules Name: Modules Class: AdminModules
@mdekker said in Help setting up reCAPTCHA module: Does a port to Guzzle help? 01521027548957nocaptcharecaptcha-v1.0.2_guzzle.zip Do I have to do something additional than downloading your zip and install it? @slick_303 said in Help setting up reCAPTCHA module: I was having issue with just this thin last night... What I ended up doing was go into the configuration of the module, enter your keys, then go into one of the other tabs on the top of the page, then come back to the module settings, and the captcha box should be there now at the bottom of the settings page. Do you at some point click on "save"? Because when I change the tab and come back, the keys are gone :/
Hello, it's me again (: This time I'm trying to get the No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA module running. In general this should be an easy task. But: At the bottom there is this "Example" window. It always shows just "Confirmation: Unknown". And therefore I can't save anything. It works if I embed a captcha manually, so the keys should be fine. I noticed the following: If I enter the public key, the example shows something. After entering the secret keys, the example changes to "unknown". Can anyone help?
Arg, guys, I'm sorry, I was blind! :( The Module works just fine. I was trying to use this "googleoff/on" code to hide my cookie-warning and there was a typing error. (with "--" at the end) Because of that it messed up the whole following script...
@lesley said in JSON module not working: I am not understanding, is the module working? Sorry for the confusion. As far as I can see it works with my TB 1.0.4 shops, but not with 1.0.3 https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool#url=herrmittmann.de%2Fleistungen%2Ffotografie%2Fimmobilien-fotografie
Hmm, when I use Google's structured data testing tool, it doesn't detect this part :/ Oh, I have to partially correct myself. It seems to work on the third site. Perhaps I tested it too soon, or whatever. So both 1.0.4 sites are fine.
Hmm, so I'm working on a third shop now, this time for a client. It currently runs on a subdomain of mine, as well. Also with TB 1.0.4. But again I don't see any effects :/ I'm wondering if it's a template-thing...?
I just applied this fix: https://presta.site/blog/en/fix-prestashop-contact-form-not-sending-mails/ At least it's a work-around but still there aren't any notifications in my backoffice...
Hello, I just noticed that my contact form seems to be broken somehow. The sender seems to get a copy of his message, but there is no notification in my backoffice / it's not archived. Even though under advanced settings > E-Mail it lists the message confirmation mail was send. Right now I don't think I have any chance to read a message someone send me. The odd thin is, it worked ~2 weeks ago. The only major change I can imaging during that time was connecting with Cloudflare / CDN. Hmm, but still, why does it only effect the backkoffice...?
Hello there, I have two 30bees-powered websites and for both I'd like to use the JSON Module (thanks for this one, btw.) On the first page, which is an actual shop on a subdomain, it works as it's supposed to. The shop itself runs on 30bees 1.0.4 The other page runs on 30Bees 1.0.3 and is more for business-services (photography and stuff). On this page I don't see any JSON effects at all. You can take a look at herrmittmann.de Both pages use the same JSON download/release (1.0.4). So it's not like one version is older or something... What can I do to figure this out?
@lesley said in WAI-ARIA - web accessibility and Thirty Bees: It is mostly template design. Out of the box thirty bees has focused on and fixed a lot of issues, that is not to say there are more that could be fixed. Did you happen to see our blog post on the matter today? https://thirtybees.com/blog/e-commerce-and-accessibility/ Ha, what a coincidence! :D I wanted to ask about this for a while... I'll check out what Chrome's Audits-Function will tell me. But let's say I want to sell in Norway - would my shop be "legal" over there just because My Google-Audits-Score is 100%? Or what else can be done - and automated?
Well, my hosting doesn't seem to support the proper settings. Can anyone think of some kind of workaround for the font folder? This one seems to be the only one that causes trouble. Yes, even though you think media servers might be pointless...I just want to see the difference (:
Hello there, Sooo, is there anyone here who has taken a deeper look into WAI-ARIA attributes and accessibility for people with handicaps for his shop? In Austria it's already a law to make your shop handicap-friendly, if I'm not mistaking. And probably all EU states will follow "soon". I was wondering what the typical Thirty Bees shop needs to do for this. Is it a feature that could be added in future releases? Can it be done via additional modules? Is it part of the template design? Or do I need to implement the changes manually? Just a thought, but "if" it can be added as a native feature of Thirty Bees, this could be a great USP as a shop software.
@lesley said in Media Servers for dummies: If you are using local media servers there is no benefit to using them, it actually might harm performance. Well, I can always deactivate it, if it feels worse (:
Translated Firefox says something like: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same-Source Rule prohibits reading the external resource at https://static.domain.com/themes/themeXY/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.5. 0th (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). But the CORS-stuff is already included to the .htaccess file...?
Hmm, this was already set up. I'm wondering if just the fonts-folder is not copied correctly to the media server So the path in the CSS file points to a folder that is empty/doesn't exist. right now it is: url('/themes/theme1366/fonts/exo-2-v4-latin-200.eot')
After my lunch break I see some changes. So the media server seems to do at least something. It looks like my fonts aren't loading now. So for some reason the folder themes/themeXY/fonts can't be read...? Images, css and js are working, as far as I can see.
@datakick it might seem a little dirty, but I was just glad it works without error so far :D But it actually looks like this (XXX marks where once was the url) $google_script = 'http'.((Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE')) ? 's' : '').'XXX'.Tools::substr($default_country->iso_code, 0, 2); $entry = strpos(implode(',', $this->context->controller->js_files), $google_part); and $this->context->controller->addJS('http'.((Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE')) ? 's' : '').'XXX'.Tools::substr($default_country->iso_code, 0, 2)); $this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path.'views/js/admin.js');