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  1. Hi musicmaster, Thank you very much for your great help.
  2. Hi, I update the TB 1.4 from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.1 Now I have the error: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is not supported. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in file modules/themeconfigurator/themeconfigurator.php at line 894 890: 'info' => [ 891: 'module' => $this->name, 892: 'name' => $this->displayName, 893: 'version' => $this->version, 894: 'context' => (Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE') == 0) ? 1 : ($this->context->shop->getTotalShops() != 1) ? $this->context->shop->getContext() : 1, Note: I don’t have multishop. This is a TB bug with PHP 8.1 or I missed some step on the update? Cheers
  3. You are right. The module makes the error. Thank you very much for your great help
  4. Hi, I update the TB 1.4 from PHP 7.4 to 8.1 Now I have the error: “Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported” in file /var/www/html/override/classes/Link.php at line 115 110: $url = $row['url']; 111: if ($this->debug) 112: print "url=$url<br />\n"; 113: $id_product = $row['id_product']; 114: $useCopy = $row['int_primary']; 115: if (empty($url) || $url{0} == ' ') 116: return false; This is a TB bug with PHP 8.1 or I missed some step on the update? Cheers
  5. Hi, How to do a cron job to synchronize mail automatically? Like we have to rebuild the index
  6. Hi, I found the solution. On Customers / Customer Service I found the error "imap is not installed on this server". To solve that I installed php-imap: sudo yum install php-imap sudo systemctl stop httpd sudo systemctl start httpd Then I found another error “[CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)” To solve that on “CUSTOMER SERVICE OPTIONS” / “IMAP options (/ssl): YES” And now the IMAP is working.
  7. Hi, Customer service replays - STMP We have the email configuration on TB Backoffice with STMP with our personal Zimbra Collaboration email server. 1 - A customer by the contact form can send a request. 2- That request arrives at the Zimbra Collaboration email and also on TB Backoffice customer service. 3- On TB Backoffice service we can replay to the customer email, and also arrive on Zimbra Collaboration email. 4- But, if the customer replays again, that email only arrives on the Zimbra Collaboration email but doesn’t arrive at TB Backoffice customer service. This is a TB configuration, or I’m missing something? Thanks in advance
  8. Ok, We will drop down this configuration. Thanks for your help
  9. "it will be slow because oft the ssl negotiation" Unfortly it's true, and we can't find a way around this.
  10. "Or are you talking about mysql/mariadb client program?" Yes.
  11. Thank you very much for your answers. We don't want private networks like the digital ocean or similar, because we want to put our data on separate data centers. We already tried Stunnel. On Stunnel we only need to give the TB the IP, and make all configurations (IP, port and SSL) on Stunnel, it works but is too slow. Now we are looking for a better solution. We also made an SSL tunnel between server #1 and server #2 with MariaDB_client Server #1 with: -Httpd -MariaDB_client:3306 with SSL Server #2 with: -MariaDB_server:3306 with SSL Right now, the TB on server #1, goes directly to MariaDB_Server on server #2. And mannualy we can go from MariaDB_client on server #1 to MariaDB_server on server #2 ussing the following command: mysql -u tb -h XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX --port=3306 -p databasetest The goal is telling to TB to go to MariaDB_client on server #1 and then to go to MariaDB_server on server #2. Our question is, how to tell TB to use the MariaDB_client? Any help will be appreciated.
  12. I have the httpd and mariadb-server on the same server. I want to split, httpd on one server and mariadb-server on another server, and the connection must be encrypted. How to tell the Thirtybees to use the mariadb-client SSL to connect to the other mariadb-server server? Any help will be appreciated.
  13. The problem is my internet provider. I try other providers and with the other providers, everything was smooth. I don't have any idea why my internet provider has this issue. Thank you again for your help.
  14. Hi Datakick, Thank you very much for your help. I installed 2 servers with minimum configuration. Server_1: httpd server with stunnel Server_2: mariadb with stunnel And I have the same error. I will send you a PM with the logins and IP's and you can install the TB and check if you also have the error. If you have a little time to take a look I appreciate it. Cheers
  15. Thank you very much for your answer. You are right, "Or maybe some server redirection.... who knows. ". I'm putting the apache on a Rocky server and the MariaDB on another Rocky server and between them, I put the stunnel with openssl. On TB_1.0.5 everything is fine. But on TB_1.3.0, TB_1.2.0 and TB_1.1.0 I can't install the TB. I can go around this installing the TB on a single server with httpd and mariadb and then pass the TB to these 2 separate servers. I have 2 questions: 1- Why the stunnel work on TB_1.0.5 and don't work on the recent versions? What changed on TB? 2- I can have problems in the TB_1.3.0 if I use the stunnel? My goal is to have 2 separate servers, one for httpd and another for Mariadb. Cheers
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