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Everything posted by PowerChaos

  1. @Mediacom87 ok it does seems related to a browser plugin specialy the following plugin poperblocker ( popup overlay blocker ) if i disable or remove it then the bug does not happen so its more a extention bug then a script bug ? is it possible to rewrite modernizr so it can prevented , as i am definaly not the only one with that extention i shall make a bug report to the creator of that plugin so he can also adjust his code to prevent this from happening Thank you for your response and the solution :dark_sunglasses: Greets From PowerChaos
  2. its exactly the same , tested it on the thirtybees demo site before i even made this bug report as i hate to work with other browsers ... and it really breaks things a lot unless that site does not use modernizr anymore from prestashop ( so there own fully modified version ) will this error still exist just to confirm everyhting , i only needed to enter the backend demo and i got the error already Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null at a.yepnope.injectJs (modernizr.min.js:4) at modernizr.min.js:4 index.php?controller=AdminDashboard&token=98750039237cd341cc6635569addf7bc:1 Slow network is detected. Fallback font will be used while loading: https://back.thirtybees.com/administrator/themes/default/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.3.0 chrome-extension://bkbdaodnaecdijpajecpncpdomgcoakc/content-script.js:47 content script: init chrome-extension://bkbdaodnaecdijpajecpncpdomgcoakc/content-script.js:24 content script: event received chrome-extension://bkbdaodnaecdijpajecpncpdomgcoakc/content-script.js:25 MessageEvent modernizr.min.js:4 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null at a.yepnope.injectJs (modernizr.min.js:4) at modernizr.min.js:4 a.yepnope.injectJs @ modernizr.min.js:4 (anonymous) @ modernizr.min.js:4 setTimeout (async) h @ modernizr.min.js:4 (anonymous) @ modernizr.min.js:4 and i realy do not feel to make a other video that is exactly the same (and does the same ) but here is a screenshot Greets From Powerchaos
  3. hi all this is a strange bug report , but it only happends on google chrome browsers ( latest version ) please see attached video , this is taken from the latest prestashop , but the bug also exist in here here is also a small snipped for the bug report ok it seems it is heavy related to google chrome and its behavior ( and how sensitive it is to javascript i guess ) if i test it on other browsers then it seems to act just fine (coulnd reproduce the bug ) also in chrome it doesnt show the dropdown ( sidebar ) like it does in internet explorer or in Edge if you click in edge on the setting ( like shop parrameters ) it shows a dropdown in that list like on mobile vieuw in chrome , it just does not shows a dropdown at all , and if it doesnt trow that error it shows the hover Tested versions below Chrome version : Versie 64.0.3282.167 (bug reported version ) latest version : Versie 64.0.3282.186 ( bug still exist ) Not able to reproduce the bugs (it does not exist ): Internet explorer : 11.25.16299.0 internet explorer update version : 11.0.49 Microsoft EdgeHTML 16.16299 Microsoft Edge 41.16299.15.0 https://demonpower.com/video/prestashop-demo-bug.mp4 01519465537192prestashop demo bug.zip Greets From PowerChaos
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