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  1. @yaniv14 Yes i did as @hfxracing advice, my requirement the same with https://www.knowband.com/prestashop-marketplace
  2. Dear all, Thank you for your response, i uploaded model as below for more detail. Sorry if make you confuse @hfxracing @yaniv14 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Qhq6QgmFLHC-CMyq3FcY6uV4OG2_emGm
  3. Hi Everyone! I'm looking for a module as below request, can you give me some advice or similar module 1/ I'm building my shop like online store (like amazon, ebay) 2/ Shops can create account 3/ Shop can input their Product Categories, Product, Promotion,... 4/ Shop will receive notify when customer place order or rate their product 5/ Shop can view their stats (their order, payment status, return, total order,...) Thank you!
  4. Thanks for great module!
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