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  1. @lesley Not sure I follow? A wikipedia entry or other?
  2. @mdekker The change to the word, "Freemium" has stuck. Unless an authoritarian type personality changes it back! lol
  3. @davidp That was two years ago if you notice? One day I'll go back and fill out my profile in a way that doesn't trigger them.
  4. @davidp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Inetbiz used to be. I removed the content that was in violation and am good now.
  5. @davidp Where does it state that my user is marked for deletion? The page was removed that I had tried to create.
  6. There also may be the risk of rankbrain from google penalizing and thinking the reviews are spammy. LIke @lesley said. Smarty truncate last name value to first character. How about Firstname L. ??
  7. My humble opinion is that a developer should brand their module. Establish trust and awareness of who they are online. There will always be thieves. Branding is a feeling. I trust XYZ developer. It's up to us as a community to write about and talk about pirated, commercial open source pitfalls. Hidden or malicious code blocks inserted to serve botnets for example. I believe you only copyright the images, stylesheet and documentation. Even possibly, unique function names. What is everyone's opinion on opening up the core of your module to github for others to fork and contribute? You could install Gitlab CE? Gitlab Enterprise is open sourced. But, if you want all the bells and whistles, you pay for it. But, people who are fans of Gitlab, regularly contribute code to the enterprise version. Corporations have a vested interest in seeing the whole product improve. Is Gitlab a great example of commercial open source? There is great power in the wisdom of crowds. If you remember a game show on US television entitled, "Who Wants To be a Millionaire", the contestant was allowed to ask the audience or phone a friend. Astoundingly, their friend got the answer correct 63% of the time. But, this will blow your mind. Answers from the (crowd) audience gave a correct answer 92% of the time.
  8. Some part of the module software has to phone home to create the tracking. They'll have to encrypt some or part of the module and cripple it if the license is invalid. That is not open source. It's crippleware.
  9. Again just my two cents. Be careful of sliders. Large images take time to download on mobile browsers. People have data plan limits. The old adage is true. LESS is more!
  10. @mdekker https://medium.com/@prestashoppoweruser/prestashop-freemium-software-d33d9fd8d508
  11. Be sure to retweet the tweet. The more retweets and mentions, the higher it will rank on twitter.
  12. Just one more reason to convert to thirty bees. PrestaShop will be enforcing digital rights management via blockchain technology very soon. All module source code. The core remains 'freemium' in their own words. I tweeted the news story and I ask that everyone like and retweet it to your followers. https://twitter.com/DenverProphitJr/status/892748402324328449
  13. You can make the same shortcut link to ask for reviews from this wizard: https://www.grade.us/home/labs/google-review-link-generator
  14. @alwayspaws Search for Google By Business. Make sure your G+ brand account is connected. You should have a verified local business badge by the company name. And if you could, I've gotten 3 fake reviews from some very hateful G+ bloggers that I have never even done business with. Can you make a review at http://bit.ly/Review-Me-On-Google to help my company?
  15. https://moz.com/learn/seo/meta-description so around two pithy short sentences emphasising ANY known entity that should also be in product title along with the first few higher ranking keywords that are written naturally in a sentence.
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