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Everything posted by atolodas

  1. Sorry, but I don't have permission to change Topic mark
  2. I think this problem resolved
  3. Advanced Parameters->Configuration Information | LIST OF CHANGED FILES Missing files (4) /publichtml/classes/Discount.php /publichtml/classes/controller/AjaxController.php /publichtml/classes/controller/ModuleAjaxController.php /publichtml/classes/order/OrderDiscount.php Or not?
  4. Removes language indicator (language iso code) from all urls related to default language in the shop. On the subject of SEO, I would like it to be: domain.com/product -> (default language) domain.com/en/product How this make i know, but maybe add this to core function? How about this?
  5. http://prntscr.com/es9x4y Localization -> Translations -> Field name translations PHP 7.0
  6. Fatal error: "static::" is not allowed in compile-time constants in /classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php on line 431
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