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  1. I cant found it :( And I dont know if prestashop solved the issue when I report it, I all the times solved the problem touching the database :S
  2. Hi, When I try changing, the parameters for SEO/URL in the BO (SEO+URL's-> Password-recovery) the 30bee dont save the changes, and display the attached error. This are a bug existing in Presta 1.6 I reported in prestashop forum long long time ago, I solved changing this parameters in the Table directly. Can you solved this issue in the next releases? If the user dont knowing edit DB tables is a important bug Very thanks.
  3. haha, I confused the table of tbdomain. I configured the table tbshop_url and solve the issue. Close the issue.
  4. Hi, I worked in linux, very good, Now i change the SO to Windows, and install XAMPP. Decompresed my backup for Files and IMG in htdocs/folder Import the DB in phpmyadmin and change the ps_configuration -> domain and security domain to localhost/folder But when I access to my BO thirty bee dont showed correctly the page. the page dont display the css When i write the admin and password in BO, dont can join in the BO,Thirty bee only refresh the login page for admins. Any idea? Very thanks.
  5. I dont see a tuto for take the google api key needed in BO for google maps.
  6. @lesley GREAT! take this prestashop muahahahhaa
  7. In the orders page, what showing? address of the client in the map?
  8. Sorry, but what is this? display a google map in contact page??? Thanks.
  9. I dont tell this is a critical. I tell this its for add to future changes, If the cms good work and stable, and the front is superior of presta, This proyect kick the ass of presta..
  10. @the-rampage-rado said in Bad postal code: But if we keep the short format then merchants will have problems when they need the long one. The short can be easily extracted when needed... And yet again- both DHL and TNT refuse postal codes with only 4 numbers for Argentina (personal experience) so in the first case before I pushed this PR I needed to ask the customer to supply additional info. Haaa ok, close this post. I dont know DHL and TNT or others providers needed the CPA. Thanks for the info
  11. The cms functionality is excellent and very robust for noob and more advanced users. But I think it is necessary to change the appearance of the theme by default. This version of the theme seems from the 80s of the 90s, we need to update the bootstrap and Jquerys versions, for example, it is not necessary to change the functionality, it is only necessary to change the visual aesthetics. I think the default theme needs more "less is more" in case a user wants to add more functionality can always accommodate the module with functionality, but at least it should be attractive to the visual
  12. I identifyed the problem with same error of this, but in my case crash in create default shop and language. In my case when I try install with other prefix of tables dont tb_ result in crash, when I install with prefix tb_ installation work great. Try install selection other prefix to tables per example shop_ (Test in localhost) Información Utilice esta información al comunicar un problema en el seguimiento de errores o en el foro. Información del servidor Información del servidor Linux #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 10 10:59:38 UTC 2018 x86_64 Versión del servidor web Apache/2.4.35 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.2p PHP/7.2.11 mod_perl/2.0.8-dev Perl/v5.16.3 Versión de PHP 7.2.11 Límite de memoria 128M Tiempo Máximo de ejecución 30 Configuración de la base de datos Versión de MySQL 10.1.36-MariaDB Servidor MySQL localhost Nombre MySQL albarico_test Usuario MySQL root Prefijo de las tablas tb_ Motor MySQL InnoDB Controlador MySQL DbPDO Información de la tienda versión Thirty Bees 1.0.7 Enlace de su tienda http://localhost/test/ Tema actual community-theme-default Configuración de email Modo de envío de emails Utiliza la función email() de PHP Sus datos Navegador utilizado Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0 Compruebe su configuración Parámetros requeridos ok Parámetros opcionales ok
  13. In teory with the CPA (LNNNNLL) you dont need use your adresss (only need the CPA), but if you use normal address and postal code use NNNN Are only 1 CPA per number of house. https://www.correoargentino.com.ar/sites/default/files/composicion.png LNNNNLL First L = Province NNNN = Postal code LL = apple face Regards
  14. I live in Argentina, Here the most people use NNNN, but you reference to CPA of Argentine post. the CPA yes is LNNNNLL but dont all people use it. I dont know how is in the others country for send package to here, I in ebay, amazon, chinese webs, all the time use NNNN and worked.
  15. Hi, this is not a bug, but it's need to change in a future. The format code for postal code in Argentina is NNNN (4 numbers, per example 1900 is La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina) Regards
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