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  1. Thanks a lot for your answer. But I have come to the conclusion that its not possible to make the thumb images work like a selector, and thats what I was hoping. I think that it would be a natural thing, and not so confusing for the costumer. But it might be a job for a programmer. But again thanks for your efford. Bo
  2. Hi I have products in several colors where I have a picture of each. I would like that when the customer clicks on a different color, then it is the product they choose. The colors are also set up as variants, but the problem is that the variant does not change together with the image change, so the customer may think that he is buying the color he has clicked on in the image overview. How do I get the two (image shift and variant) to work together? Thanks Bo What I want is the color selector to chance when I click om another thumbnail. Is that possible? I can chance the image by using the selector, but not the other way around.
  3. Ok, thanks, but I have tryed to chance the file names, and cleared the caches. No chances. What do you meen exactly by chancing the names? To what? Wondering if it will work if I opload warwhouse again and let it overwrihte the whole theme?
  4. Ok, thanks, but I have tryed to chance the file names, and cleared the caches. No chances. What do you meen exactly by chancing the names? To what?
  5. Cannot find where toactivate webp?
  6. I have regenerated all images several times. No result. It still show a small gif . The images is there allright. Here is the url where it show the default and after that the image 2:
  7. Hi Iḿ using Warehouse theme. In the product listing page I have this problem, that my second image is showing a small camera icon (125x125) gif image instead of the second product image on hover. Any help? Thanks. Bo
  8. Hi We have just installed "warehouse" theme. After installing and updating TB, there is no delivery compagny logos on check out. The images are there all right i back end. Someone know what to do? Thanks Bo
  9. Hi Veganline Got it working. Thanks for your answer. I set the quality of the jpeg images to 80 instead of 90 and regenerated and wupti. Bo
  10. Hi I´m getting an error in back end when I try to edit a image after update from 1.1 to 1.2. I have attached a screenshot. Also some of my images dont show up in front end. Any ideas of what to do? Thanks in advance. Bo
  11. bomas

    Zoom on product

    The zoom function dont work. Nothing happens when I set the function. The lightbox works all right. Someone know what to do? Bo
  12. bomas


    Thanks. I have installed. Looking for the effect
  13. bomas


    Someone know a firewall module to keep the spammers out and the google bots in?
  14. bomas


    Where to get this file, to be able to block a contry via geolocation. The link is dead. https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz Bo
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