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Show tax details in the confirmation email



Hi everyone,

I'm located in Canada and I need to show taxes details on my invoices.

I've been able to do it in the pdf file, see picture below:

0_1510245313941_Capture d’écran 2017-11-09 à 11.31.41.png

However, I would also like to have taxes details in the confirmation email because it is the first thing that clients see after a purchase. So far, I haven't been able to find an easy way to do it. Before I start coding it myself, is there an easy way to do it that I missed ? See picture below for the current confirmation email that I have:

0_1510245403140_Capture d’écran 2017-11-09 à 11.31.58.png

As usual, thanks a lot for your help :nerd:

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