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Prevent an added product to an order from showing in the FO cart as new order



When you set Preferences -> Customers to "Re-display cart at login" then add a product to an existing order through admin, PS creates a new cart for this product. Then when customer logs in to frontend, they can see that product sitting in their cart, even though it has already been added to their order through admin. I would consider this either a bug or a confusing functionality that needs addressing.

How to reproduce? 1- Add a new product to an existing order from admin (BO). 2- Sign in in the FO and open cart 3- The added product appears in your cart as a new order which makes confusion to the customer.

original forge: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-8554 solution: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/8315

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