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Order volume/value discount


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I am looking for a way to encourage my b2b customers to place large orders instead of frequent small orders. Is there a way to give % discount on order total based on the order value? Also, I would like to be able to set up two or threshold values to support small, medium and big discount.

Any help appreciated. :-)


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As I understand it the voucher system (former cart rules) should be handle this scenario. I can create a voucher with minimum order value criteria that gives say 10% off on the order when met. The documentation says if I leave the code field empty the voucher should be applied automatically to any valid order. I can not get that to work though. I may be misunderstanding that bit, not sure.

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I don't actually tried it. I read about it before and I decided it would not do the job. What if I got 3 discounts on order total like in the example above. Once the target of $20 is reached it will automatically reduce the order total to $18 which will force the customer to spend another $32 to reach $50 for the next discount. Otherwise he would have to spend just $30 ... And it would be nice feature to have message in the cart informing how mush is left to reach next target value for the discount ... I am planing to buy one page checkout module and most probably the feature has to be integrated within the module itself and not in thirty bees core I believe. So if you have such, you should consider it also.

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No, the minimum order value is always without discount applied, your customer will not be forced to spend 32$, only 30$. I actually got it all working now except for the customer group restriction which oddly only works if I allow all customer groups. if I try to make the discount valid only for the registered customer group (of which my test user is a member) it disables the voucher for some reason.

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Ok, i set up 3 price rules with 5, 10 and 15% discount. And no matter what priority for the price rules I choose, all the vouchers are calculated together. If you know the secret please share it. I am not using the community theme but I don't think it matters.

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The key is to not allow the discounts to be combined with each other, . This is done in the conditions tab on each of the discounts. Then set priority 3 to the 5% discount, priority 2 to the 10% discount and finally priority 1 to the 15% discount.

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I got it. Cart rules shouldn't be compatible each other, which is set in the conditions menu. It makes sense but I previously used it without setting the right priority. Now it would be nice to exclude certain categories from the cart rules.

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@mockob good luck on that one, it's something that should be as standard but it's not. The whole cart rule logic is extremely basic, one of the most annoying is allowing free shipping for a product but not being able to exclude that rule from other products, such as when you add a product to the cart that the rule doesn't apply to - you still get free shipping because you've got a product in the cart that's applicable.

You can hack CartRule.php but ideally it'd be nice to have some AND OR XOR NOT logic in the rules to build up compound inclusion / exclusion rules. Unfortunately that'd be a re-write of the core logic.

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