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importing/creating product with hashes in the title



Ok ok ok! I already read this (I'm not the original poster): https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/606489-prestashop-sucks/

I know that is more important security up all the other things... BUT... is it really too much insecure to have hashes (or other special characters) in the title, not in the URL!

If not, in that case I'm going to use "n." or "no" intead of "#".

Example that use # in product title (not PS/30bees) this is a VERY BIG diecast shop: https://ck-modelcars.de/it/eur/p/41665/mini-all4-racing-no304-rallye-dakar-2016-roma-bravo-1-43-true-scale/tsm430234/

In the URL the "#" is converted to "no", or "n-", but in the title the # is present.

Is it possibile to do this in automatically in 30bees during the manual creation of a products? Instructing the friendly url "manager" to converting a word in the title to another one in the url.

During a csv import is easy, you simply need another column and "regex" the string... and by API?

And why # are secure if used in a forum post, but they are not in a product title? :confused:

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