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Beeta last won the day on March 25 2023

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  1. I got a prestashop (now it seams cleaned) with the same problem, blm issue right? @vsn can you list the modules you are using with this thirtybees? Maybe if it's not a ps/tb code problem we can match the unsecure module. @for all or do you know for sure that is the infamous "2022 code injection" issue and have nothing to do with ps/tb code?
  2. Cache was off from the beginning (and I deleted just to be sure) already tried with different devices in incognito
  3. I have inodes and disk space issues, so I decided to delete generated thumbnails to be able to work. The thing surprised me is that once deleted thumbnails I still view them in the front office, the only place I noticed they are gone is in the image tab of the product page (backoffice). Is it normal?
  4. I solved going directly here: https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords (from the google account gui the link is not available) and adding again the app password (I don't know why was deleted). But I think that app passwords are going to not work anymore in the near future. p.s. I found the link to apppasswords here: https://support.google.com/mail/thread/267471964/app-password-not-listed-as-an-available-option?hl=en
  5. Now that Gmail app password are gone Google Workspace is not sending mails anymore. Maybe implementing this could solve the problem for Google Workspace too?
  6. Thank you now it’s cleared. I already read about the keep js and css options. But with cache disabled I was thinking that I didn’t need to disable other cache options. is the Google cache still a thing? I commented in github (here) about the possibility to limit cache is js and css for XX days or XX size.
  7. is this still a thing? I have the cache disabled but 5GB of CSS and JS files in my community theme cache folder.
  8. I digged a bit. The tb_layered_product_attribute.ibd file is missing. The stange thing is that blacklayered filter is still working. I think the only thing to do is recover the table from a backup and do a full recover in a new database.
  9. I'm getting this error/warning during the product save. I noticed only now, can be possibile it shows up after uninstalling panda theme? is it a core table?
  10. Another suggestion is to use a cronjob to update ip list from cloudflare. In my case: I use centminmod framework in the vps and I just learned that it have by default a script installed that update nginx conf with latest ip list: You can take a look at it here: https://community.centminmod.com/threads/csfcf-sh-automate-cloudflare-nginx-csf-firewall-setups.6241/ You can see the script (csfcf.sh) here: https://github.com/centminmod/centminmod/tree/master/tools Cronjob run the script, the script update /usr/local/nginx/conf/cloudflare.conf included in the main nginx conf by default (commented): #include /usr/local/nginx/conf/cloudflare.conf; So in my case I added the cronjob and uncommented the include row in the main nginx conf. That's it. Thank you George Liu (eva2000)! ^_^
  11. @datakickCloudflare added some ipv4 classes (see below). Do you reccomended to add them to the nginx configuration too? source: https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4
  12. Beeta

    mini ddos?

    Sometimes some Hong-Kong customers show up. I think I’m going to use cloudflare. If I’m not wrong the anti ddos is included in the free version.
  13. same issue here: they slow down the website, I'm getting up to 600 at the same time. I already have Blackhole for Bad Bots v1.0.1 - by DataKick installed and active.
  14. Beeta

    mini ddos?

    I'm getting many many visitors on my shop and it not make any sense. I'm on bleeding edge 6638c53f7f3f1be43ccd08657c6f81fec0081f74. I think they are bots and they are slowing down the server like a mini ddos. examples: 1493615 13:22:37 - None 1493614 13:22:36 - None 1493613 13:22:35 - None 1493612 13:22:34 - None 1493608 13:22:33 - None 1493609 13:22:33 - None 1493610 13:22:33 - None 1493611 13:22:33 - None 1493607 13:22:32 - None 1493605 13:22:30 - None 1493606 13:22:30 - None 1493603 13:22:29 - None 1493604 13:22:29 - None how can I limit them?
  15. this time I had to recreate schedules as even re-save them didn't make them run again even if next scheduled time column was updated.
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