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I have now received help from an ex-forum member. The customized files from eleazar PDF-invoice for TB and help from mddekker.

Note: unpack the zip-file 1. copy the override file in the same folder 2. upload the pdf folder files in your template pdf folder 3. change the header.tpl with your dates/company


  1. change the pdf template in your bo -> orders - -> invoices ---> invoice option ----> invoice model and save 0_1528319285022_503aa623-254d-4f90-83f9-7c8424d1b747-image.png

01528318798019pdf eleazar.zip 01528320046036FA000001-1.pdf 0_1528320056630_eleazar.png


in the example above with payment by bank transfer and direct generation of the invoice

this example is with payment by Paypal and tax details without change the "invoice-eleazar1612.tpl"


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