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Category links not working


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I found another issue. If you click on a category link from the category widget it takes you to a blank page. If you click on the category link on the blog page it takes you to the main page with all the posts except the breadcrumbs have the title of the category instead of the title of the blog. The link in the widget looks like this: https://ljsbooks.com/blog/literary-history-quotes. The link on the main page looks like this: https://ljsbooks.com/blog/category/literary-history-quotes.

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@mdekker I got that fixed. But I have another question.

I currently have two categories with one post in each. If I click the link to the category shouldn't it go to a page with just the post in that category?

Right now it returns a page with both posts. https://ljsbooks.com/blog/category/news and https://ljsbooks.com/blog/category/literary-history-quotes return the same page except the breadcrumbs are different.

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