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Printful Custom T-Shirts Module in ThirtyBees


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Hello, everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I was able to get the Printful PrestaShop module working in thirtybees with only a few code changes.

Printful does direct printing for t-shirts, which means you don't need to keep an inventory of t-shirts as they are made when they are orders. You design the shirt on Printful and it will automatically get added to your store. When a customer orders it will get sent to Printful, then it gets sent directly to the customer. They even automatically mark the order as shipped when they ship it.

When I first added the module, syncing it in Printful caused a few 500 errors, which I was able to solve with only changes to 2 files:

classes/Product.php find the getCoverWs function and change the function to this:

public function getCoverWs()
	$result = $this->getCover($this->id);
	if (gettype($result) == 'boolean')
		return null;

	return $result['id_image'];


classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder line 792 add this on the next line (this is in the renderFlatAssociation function if your line numbers are different):

if (is_null($objectAssoc))
	return '';


You might not even need the Product.php modification, so just try it with the second one.

I say you might not need it because the Product.php on the thirty-bees source is slightly different than mine on the getCoverWs function. But the error I was seeing was specifically that $result was coming back as a boolean, and doing ['id_image'] on a boolean was throwing an error resulting in the 500.


I was really excited to get this prestashop module working on thirtybees.


Let me know if any of you have problems if you try this.

Edited by mwrouse
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  • 1 year later...

@AlwesselsI just downloaded the new Printful module, since Printful was saying it is out of date. I was able to add it just fine with no changes other than the ones I described above. I even tested it by adding a new product to my store and then going into Printful and clicking "Refresh Data" under my store. Interesting to note that Printful is still telling me my module is out of date even after updating it.


Are you getting any specific error?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi again after a loooong time. I get this error when trying to connect Thirtybees to Printful:


Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


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