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Back Office Sales per customer wrong after migration. Just affects split orders.



After migrating to TB 1.4 from PS 1.6.24 I noticed the Sales column in the Back Office Customer display was different from the corresponding Prestashop screen for a subset of customers. The TB total was greater than the PS total.

After investigating I noticed the 'problem' customers had split orders in the tb_orders table. i.e. two or more rows with the same order reference.

This means that there's a many to many relationship between tb_orders and tb_order_payment using tb_orders.reference and tb_order_payment.order_reference.

I'm not exactly sure under what circumstances split orders are created in TB or PS.

So is this a 'feature' of the database I've transitioned ( in which case I can live with it ) or does TB also create split orders under some circumstances? And if so will some totals also be wrong?

As far as I can see this only affect the Back office displays. 





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