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Email (SMTP) problem due to auto TLS



Updating from TB 1.1 to 1.5 I ran into trouble because in the old environment you can use non encrypted SMTP while, if you do so in TB1.5, you are using TLS anyways due to the default enabled AutoTLS  function. So, if your email provider supports TLS, it will be selected in the negotiation process. So far so good. But my provider happened to have some config problem with its certificate. So, email using TLS doesn't work, while you are thinking that you are not using TLS. Was very confusing for me.

Because it will take a while for my service provider to sort things out, I changed the default to : public $SMTPAutoTLS = false; in PHPMailer.php.

Shouldn't it be an option, to facilitate these kind of situations?

Edited by Dolfijn
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