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First Google Analytics, Now Gmail


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After calming down from the shock to find 97000 htaccess files in your shop and realizing that 1 shop is gone we now have starting to rebuild shop 2 with the content of shop 1, a task that will take a while because it is 1200 products. But at the same time we will now get a shop up to date with latest versions of everything. But it takes a while to realize that your waorst enemies is not on the outside but on the inside. 

Anyway I jst wanted to mention that in this new shop we have abandoed both Google analytics and gmail. GA because they use the collected info for marketing. Not just your info, but the info from all your customers as well. Google are now involved in more than 200 court cases because of it.

Gmail we abandoned for the same reason partly. They scan f.ex order emails for marketing info, but its becoming more and more hopeless to send attachments. F.ex my business partner the other day bought the prestashop importer module, downloaded it and wanted to send it to me for installation. Not possible, gmail blocked the zip-file. 

So now we have changed smtp provider and also installed Matomo instead of GA. I cant have Matomo installed "inhouse" so we decided to go with a colleuge who runs both email servers and a Matomo server.

If anyone is interested their website is https://mediasafe.pro. A mail account for smtp relay is not free but we can live with 1 € per month for 1000 mails. On the other and a "free" gmail account you pay with your privacy

We have used TB since version 1.01, it has been ups and downs, but for the moment it seems stable. Hope it will stay that way also in the future. We have learned our lesson the hard way, but life is about learning.

Anders Yuran

Edited by Havouza
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