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Everything posted by jfnewell1965

  1. Hi Everyone, New person here, and to be honest I don't even have ThirtyBees installed. I am very close to, if in fact at the point of, abandoning an attempt at installing OpenCart I made really good progress, but there seems to be so many nagging issues preventing me from saying "It's Done!", that I have reached the point where there is I guess what I would call a trust issue with OpenCart. As in, is it really fixed, what might crop up later, if I breath wrong, how much gets broken, etc.. So, based on recommendations on the internet, I find myself at ThirtyBees, and before I start I just thought I would check in and ask some simple up front questions like: Is it any easier than OpenCart. Is it coded/documented better than OpenCart. Does it actually work? Do the add-ons actually work? Are there crazy nagging issues that plague everyone, and no one knows how to fix them? Etc. I am just trying to get a feel for if I am jumping from the pot into the fire, or if things work better with ThirtyBess. Thanks in advance, Jim
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