Hi! I migrate from PrestaShop 1.6. The migration process was ok, and I was working for about a day on a new system. But, the problem started when my colleague tried to log in with her login and password from old Prestashop to a new Thirty Bees system. There was no error; she can’t log in. After entering a login and password, there was just a rectangle with the name of the shop. Well, I thought that it’s a problem with her pc, bowser, etc. I cleared cache in her browser; I changed the password through the “I forgot my password” and nothing. I tried to do it from my pc. And this was my epic fail. Now I can’t log in too. But all this time I was login in the admin panel. After the update, there were some issues with login, but I cleared the cache in the browser, and it worked. Now it doesn’t.
I switched on the debug mode, but unfortunately, it showed nothing. Only the developer mode in a browser showed me an error:
POST https://a-stuff.com.ua/admin7532/ajax-tab.php?rand=1554073235248 500 VM599:1
I need your help with this.
P.S: Video of the loading process. https://youtu.be/Am9_U8M9TEk