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Everything posted by luksl

  1. Thank you for the answer but this is not the solution. Bleeding edge is intended just for "testing sites". It means, as I understand, it can be buggy and is not considered as stable bugfixing build. Thirtybees really needs stable bugfixing (regular) releases.
  2. Hello, I just wonder if there is a plan to release bugfix / patch - minor (stable) versions of thirtybees (like 1.3.1 etc.).
  3. I think it would be good to allow customers fill in two addresses at registration of a new customer (in case you allow customers to enter address). The first address would be the main address (= invoice address for companies) and in case the second address (= delivery address) is not filled in it would also be automatically the delivery address. TB generally takes the first address as delivery and invoice in case the second address is not entered, so the logic is actually vice versa at the moment. It’s obvious during the process of order. There could be a checkbox saying something like “Enter a different for delivery address” to allow customers fill in the second address during registration. Also, the name for the first address would be automatically “Main” or “Invoice” (for companies), the name of the second address would be automatically “Delivery” – the inputs for the names of addresses could be hidden during registration process. If a customer would have an address named as main/invoice in their list of addresses it would be preselected as main/invoice address and if a customer would also have an address named as delivery it would be preselected as delivery address during process of order. In case a customer would select just one address or the same address for main/invoice and delivery during process of order just one address would be displayed everywhere (history of orders, e-mails etc.). There are always displayed both addresses at the moment even if they are the same.
  4. I'm sorry, I don't get your point of view. I think if a merchant finds a bug, according to you, then should do all work except the development and pay for it. In this case TB would lose what's important about it. I think you are actually speaking a about a private/commercial project. I can imagine how hard and time consuming is the work on the project of such. Open source project probably ucually don't bring a lot of money. It's hard to find a way how to achieve it. It is important to attract, retain and expand the community around the project. To appreciate it's (still suprisingly) alive. When mechants (TB possible customers) complains, talk about bugs that means the project is still alive. Of course, it's important to find a way how to earn money of it, if you don't do it just as a hobby (which would not be too good). I think the way could be to focus on the core so that it would be as good as possible, with some good free modules and, what's extremelly important, with superb paid modules that would really make the difference from PS and the others (the money could be here). I think it's also really the time to separate from PS 1.6 starting from TB 1.3 so that the development can go it's way and make even better piece of software / e-commerce solution. One very important thing, which can be TB diffent from the others is that it will NOT SPY on the mechants and don't make them do things they don't whant to do.
  5. Good news. 😊 I understand there are just 2 major releases per year, it makes sense. If I understand well, bleeding edge is not intended for production environments. I don't understnad why there are no regular stable maintance/bugfix releases like 1.2.1 etc. available. It would be very good if stable bugfixed releases would be available. It would also regularly give message the project is alive.
  6. When the next (major) version (1.3) of TB will be released? Is there any road map? What it will contain / change. For example, whether there will be a new theme? Will it use the newest Bootstrap 5 etc.? I have noticed it will drop support of PHP 5.6, I think it could drop support of PHP 7.0 too. No one should use such an old version of PHP in production environments. Actually, it would make sense the v1.3 of TB would support PHP 7.3 and up in order to evolve faster. For those who need to use older versions of PHP there could be (just) security maintained v1.2.x.
  7. I wonder why imported pictures are not displayed after CSV import (are not generated during/after the import). After each import I have to regenerate thumbnails. Why is that necessary? I think it was not necessary before. Also, when I delete generated thumbnails the pictures are missing again - it's understandable but it seems that the pictures of the original sample product are generated automatically (not missing).
  8. Thanks for the answer. It seems it could be connected to XAMPP/Windows 10. I tested it on a linux web server and it seems to be ok there.
  9. It's seems that (ajax) search is unable to find strings/search in strings (names of products, categories etc.) that contain non-english characters like those in Czech: á,ý,í,č,ř etc. I rebuilt the entire search index several times, removed cache in TB and history in Firefox with no success. Tested also on freshly installed TB 1.08 (Windows 10/XAMPP 7.033).
  10. Thanks a lot for fast fix! It looks working. 🙂
  11. Thank you 🙂
  12. Hi, I encountered a problem with storing multi language fields in EU Cookie Consent module. I tested in on a after fresh installation as well. After installation I have 2 languages installed (English and Czech). When I save different text for each language the same text is saved and returned for both languages - the text from lang id=1 (English). I also tested it with module "European Union Cookies Law v1.7.7 - by MyPresta.eu" with the same result. It seems the it could be connected with the updateValue function in Configuration.php. XAMPP: Server information Windows NT build 17134 (Windows 10) i586 Server software version Apache/2.4.37 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2p PHP/7.0.33 PHP version 7.0.33 Memory limit 512M Max execution time 30 MySQL version 10.1.37-MariaDB MySQL server MySQL name tb_108 MySQL user root Tables prefix tb_ MySQL engine InnoDB MySQL driver DbPDO Required parameters OK Optional parameters Please fix the following error(s) Install TLS v1.2 support on your server. Test result: fail
  13. Thanks for the suggestion - but it is working with PS 1.6 with no problems. So I am confused :-(
  14. This module is for choosing a delivery point of the Geispoint carrier when making an order. (Downloaded from official website: http://www.geispoint.cz/) 01520066117244geispoint_CZ.zip It works with Prestashop 1.6 (I have tested it) without problems but doesnt work with TB. When I choose Geis Point carrier and in the end confirm an order I get this: [ThirtyBeesDatabaseException] Unknown column 'o.idGP' in 'field list' SELECT o.idGP FROM tb_geispoint_order o WHERE o.id_order = 98 LIMIT 1 at line 808 in file classes/db/Db.php I checked the table tb_geispoint_order for column idGP and it really doesnt exist but id_gp does. I wonder why its not a problem for PS. So I had made changes (in /modules/geispoint/geispoint.php): 1) // if(!($res = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT o.idGP FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'geispoint_order o WHERE o.idorder = '. ((int) $params['idorder'])))) { if(!($res = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT o.idgp FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'geispoint_order o WHERE o.idorder = '. ((int) $params['idorder'])))) { 2) // if(!($res = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT o.idGP FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'geispoint_order o WHERE o.idorder = '. ((int) $params['order']->id)))) { if(!($res = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT o.idgp FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'geispoint_order o WHERE o.idorder = '. ((int) $params['order']->id)))) { 3) // if(!($res = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT o.idGP FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'geispoint_order o WHERE o.idorder = '. ((int) $params['objOrder']->id)))) { if(!($res = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT o.idgp FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'geispoint_order o WHERE o.id_order = '. ((int) $params['objOrder']->id)))) { When I confirmed an order I got this: Notice: Undefined index: idGP in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/geispoint.php on line 802 Warning: Missing argument 2 for GeisPointSoapClient::searchGP(), called in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeisPointWebService.php on line 95 and defined in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeispointWS/GeisPointSoapClient.php on line 71 Warning: Missing argument 3 for GeisPointSoapClient::searchGP(), called in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeisPointWebService.php on line 95 and defined in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeispointWS/GeisPointSoapClient.php on line 71 Warning: Missing argument 4 for GeisPointSoapClient::searchGP(), called in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeisPointWebService.php on line 95 and defined in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeispointWS/GeisPointSoapClient.php on line 71 Notice: Undefined variable: postcode in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeispointWS/GeisPointSoapClient.php on line 74 Notice: Undefined variable: city in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeispointWS/GeisPointSoapClient.php on line 75 Notice: Undefined variable: idGP in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/webService/GeispointWS/GeisPointSoapClient.php on line 76 Notice: Undefined index: idGP in /home/www/eshop/modules/geispoint/geispoint.php on line 804 I would appreciate any help or advice.
  15. It has solved the problem. Thanks a lot. :-)
  16. I have the same problem. When I switch demo mode off dashboard (Activity overview) is spinning and spinning forever. There are just 88 (testing) orders, 40 products ... in my TB.
  17. @mdekker @Traumflug @yaniv14 I have found another problem connected with this/an override. It seems when I extend ProductCore class with Product class in override/classes/Product.php: ``` <?php class Product extends ProductCore { public $kod_vyrobce; public function __construct($id_product = null, $full = false, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null, Context $context = null) { self::$definition['fields']['kod_vyrobce'] = array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isGenericName','size' => 25); parent::__construct($id_product, $id_lang, $id_shop); } } ?> ``` Any product front page shows like this: ``` Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => D:\Dev\xampp7013\htdocs\tb10_test01\classes\Product.php [line] => 610 [function] => displayError [class] => ToolsCore [type] => :: [args] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => D:\Dev\xampp7013\htdocs\tb10_test01\classes\Product.php [line] => 465 [function] => getPriceStatic [class] => ProductCore [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => [2] => [3] => 6 [4] => [5] => [6] => 1 [7] => 1 [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => D:\Dev\xampp7013\htdocs\tb10_test01\override\classes\Product.php [line] => 10 [function] => __construct [class] => ProductCore [object] => Product Object ( [kod_vyrobce] => 0 [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 21 [id_manufacturer] => 1 [id_supplier] => 1 [id_category_default] => 11 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => Fashion Manufacturer [supplier_name] => Fashion Supplier [name] => Array ( [1] => Printed Summer Dress [2] => Printed Summer Dress ) [description] => Array ( ``` etc. I don´t know if it´s another bug or bug connected to the slashes problem/paths on Windows. The override is working fine with PS on Windows. There are errors reported in PHP log like this one: [13-Jun-2017 10:11:06 Europe/Prague] PHP Fatal error: Class 'ProductCore' not found in D:\Dev\xampp7013\htdocs\tb10_test01\override\classes\Product.php on line 3
  18. @mdekker That´s reasonable. Concerning this bug... will someone adress it? If the bug is caused by mixed slashes in paths it might not take much time if you know what you are doing. :-)
  19. @mdekker @Traumflug Now I´m a bit confused. If I understand well in case I want to use TB for my project I just have to use Linux (at least virtualized). We cannot expect windows specific bugs will be addressed (like this one). Is TB intended just for Linux?
  20. It seems when Template compilation = Force compilation Smarty compilation usually fails at different templates (files).There is such an error about 4 of 5 savings. Here is Log file (from TB root Log directory): 0149699321160420170608_exception.log There are "unable to write file" errors too. It´s strange as I run Xampp as the Admin with full rights. I have noticed there are mixed slashes in paths and I guess it could be the problem.
  21. @mdekker I really like and appreciate the idea of the TB team. I liked PS 1.6 but not 1.7 so when I came accross TB I decided to switch to TB. But at the moment I am having hard time continue with the project (because of this error). Regarding this error PS has no problem (when Template compilation = Force compilation Save (and Stay) works but it´s doesnt in TB. What I discovered so far it´s seem it has something to do with Smarty - folder vendor in TB root dir.
  22. @roband7 I thought so. As you say it should be tested on Windows as well. I know there are much more servers with some kind of Linux than Windows (Server) but Windows Servers are common too. I have on my Laptop Windows 10 so I decided to use Xampp for development as it is easy to install and use. I dont know yet if my project will be run on Linux or Windows server finally.
  23. I am surprised no one is able to help with this thing. I discovered that the problem has nothing to do with the override but with the settings Template compilation = Force compilation and Smarty. It might be specific for Windows/xampp and wampp platform.
  24. @yaniv14 I have no log folder insideTB/Admin folder but have Log folder straight in TB root folder. I cleared cache. And set up Template compilation = Force compilation, Cache = no, Debug mode = yes
  25. I dont know how to get what you need. I tried on Windows 10/Xampp 7.013 TB 1.01 - when I use this override I am always stuck on the spinning button in Product/Edit page in Admin area. There is no log PHP file eventhough the PHP ini set up seems to be ok. I get the spinning button always when the new product field is not empty, sometimes it is ok when the filed is empty. I also installed Wampp 3.0.6 (PHP 5.6.25, MySQL 5.7.14), and noticed there is the spinning save button problem as well but just in about every third case. The PHP log file contains just errors that occured during installation of TB (I shared the file here). I think it should be possible to reproduce the spinning save button problem on any Windows/Xampp (7.013) with that override as I have used untouched Xampp and fresh TB 1.01 installation with that override. I guess the problem should occur always. There is no spinning save button problem on PS on the same server with the same override. I discovered PS used to have this problem too TB have probably been forked before they fixed it.
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