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Posts posted by spidawebs

  1. I have a few issues I can't resolve:

    1) When a product is out of stock I would like it to disappear off the website so the visibility needs to be "nowhere". Then when it comes back into stock I would like the visibility to automatically go back to "everywhere". At the moment I have to do all this manually. Is there a way of doing it automatically?

    2) On the category page on the website, the products are defaulted to show as a list. I would like them to show as grid. How do I do this?

  2. Yes, it is saving and retaining the value. First of all it was displaying errors but as soon as I removed the script tags as you suggested, the errors disappeared. But the tracking code would never appear on the front.

    I'm using 1.0.0

  3. Thanks, but that didn't work either. I checked the Google Analytics code again and actually it should be like this:

    (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');

    ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXX-XX', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');

    So I put that in without any script tags and it still won't work.

  4. @Nemo I just added the full code provided by Google Analytics which was:

    No, it's not appearing in the front.

  5. I've just added my Google Analytics code to the new "Add extra JavaScript to your pages" part of the custom code section, but it's not showing up on the website.

    I've cleared the cache. Is there anything else I need to do or is this not working properly?

  6. @Havouza well I'm not receiving any emails when an order is placed like I do in PS.

    @alwayspaws I have my email setup correctly in there. In the logs I can see the email confirmation going to the customer but there is nothing to the merchant.

    Without the Mail Alerts module I can't see how the merchant can receive a notification

  7. Am I missing something but where do you set the email address for the merchant to be alerted of a new order?

    In PS there was a mail alerts module but this has been removed in thirty bees.

    I can't find an option for this anywhere and it's a pretty basic requirement.

  8. You just need to enter:

    Item Type : Category Tree Entity ID : The ID of the Parent Category (The ID of Grooming in this case) Name : The name of the Parent Category (Grooming)

    I don't think you entered a name which is why it was blank.

  9. Yes, you are looking in the wrong place. The categories block has nothing to do with the top menu. The top menu is a completely separate module and is where you choose which categories make up your menu.

  10. I think you are getting too confused. Lets start again step by step:

    Say you want "Dog Clothes" as a main menu item. Go to your categories and find the category ID for Dog Clothes Then go to modules and find the menu module. Add a new menu item with the plus button and enter the category ID for Dog Clothes Select Category Tree and all the subcategories of Dog Clothes will appear below it on the menu Repeat this step for every main category you want on the menu

  11. It sounds like you imported all your categories under home.

    I personally separate my categories as follows

    Home - Main Category -sub category -sub category -sub category - Main Category -sub category -sub category

    So I might have 5 main categories and all related categories under each one of those. Then on the menu, the headings are the main categories and when you click on them it drops down to all the sub categories

  12. @alwayspaws You need to enter the category ID of the parent category in Entity ID. So go into Catalog > Categories to find the ID of the parent section. That's all you need to do (assuming your categories imported correctly and you have main categories with sub categories within them).

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