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Everything posted by Fathira

  1. try to update 1.2 to1.3 1) using 1.2 updater that 1.2 updater using admin panel very slow i try click updater module update thirty bees button not working and show this mesage START YOUR UPGRADE Your current thirty bees version: 1.0.2 Are you ready to update thirty bees? UPDATE THIRTY BEES Going to update to thirty bees version: Not available Channel: and i try old 1.1 updater not slowing issue that goog updating result same update button not working and this message Going to update to thirty bees version: Not available Channel:
  2. no in my pc . my shard server i successfully updated 1.1 to 1.2 one month ago that time not issue
  3. i am using casper key antivirus that any chance? i mean casperky remote server blocking
  4. my cpanel Server information Linux #1 SMP Wed Jun 21 19:37:37 EDT 2017 x86_64 Server software version Apache PHP version 7.1.8 Memory limit 512M Max execution time 600 MySQL version 5.6.35-log MySQL server localhost MySQL name xxxxxx_aish524 MySQL user xxxxxx_aish524 Tables prefix legq_ MySQL engine InnoDB MySQL driver DbPDO CHECK YOUR CONFIGURATION Required parameters OK Optional parameters OK
  5. thanks for reply and say where is make this code please elaborate please
  6. @mdekker i asked server support see blow Hello, Thank you for your patience. I would like to inform you, that I have thoroughly checked the configuration of your hosting account and PrestaShop application and all prerequisites for the functionality of the module, including the provided PHP configuration, have been met. Additionally, we do not impose any accessibility restriction, so the module should be able to connect to the remote server. Would you please provide us with your CloudFlare login details, so we can further investigate this issue We are looking forward to your reply. Best Regards, Nickola Anastassov after i send my cdn details seanswer blow Hello, Thank you for getting back to us. I have checked the CloudFlare configuration for the domain and it is properly set. To ensure that the CloudFlare HTTP redirect is not causing a connectivity issue, I have temporarily disabled it, however, this did not restore the module's functionality. As the server and your account meet all the requirements of the ThirtyBees script and module and there are no connectivity limitations or blocks for your account, the issues appear to be related to the updater module itself. I would once more advise you to contact the module's developers for further assistance in resolving this issue. In case, that any changes have to be performed on our end, please update us in this ticket or open a new one. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are 24/7 at your immediate disposal. Best Regards, Nickola Anastassov dear frind how to solve this issue i successfully updated from 1.1 to 1.2 the same server my site now not any other issue please help thanks
  7. ok i know and you know how to solve this issue update not possible see Going to update to thirty bees version: Not available Channel: may be this related or common issue
  8. thanks my native php 5.6 Current PHP version: 7.1 see my php default setting allowurlfopen On date.timezone Europe/London displayerrors Off errorreporting EALL fileuploads On includepath .:/opt/alt/php71/usr/share/pear logerrors On mail.forceextraparameters no value maxexecutiontime 30 maxinputtime -1 maxinputvars 1000 mbstring.funcoverload 0 memorylimit 128M openbasedir no value postmaxsize 64M session.savepath /tmp shortopentag On uploadmaxfilesize 64M good or ?
  9. thanks for your answer daoKakao my php v 7.1 server apache nginx with using cloudflare cdn ok i try now special thaks
  10. @ daokakao thanka for your reply . how to solve this please say proper server settings and help me
  11. hi related issue in my site my version 1.2 the version tbupdater something problem with tb updater admin panel loading very very slow. updater deleted no issue speed good . and i use 1.1 updater not loading issue speed fine and i try to update each updater 1.1 and 1.2 not connect channel see blow Your current thirty bees version: 1.0.2 Are you ready to update thirty bees? IT IS UPDATENOW BUTTON i click hiar Going to update to thirty bees version: Not available Channel:
  12. my setting inc php good or not please say thanks
  13. hello t question only for a small clarification i jest check public_html/config/setting.inc.php thire not define domain name see this it is other script (no 30 bees no pristashop) define('SERVERNAME', 'www.mydomain.com/'); see my setting inc php <?php define('DBSERVER', 'localhost'); define('DBNAME', 'xxxxxxdebe498'); define('DBUSER', 'xxxxxdebe498'); define('DBPASSWD', '4H)xxx95(g'); define('DBPREFIX', 'abgq'); define('MYSQLENGINE', 'InnoDB'); define('PSCACHINGSYSTEM', 'CacheMemcache'); define('PSCACHEENABLED', '0'); define('COOKIEKEY', '2nnzhqysktvi4ryyykorjtdxqro1lhz83iqaraswderutbzwiwp2wyrq'); define('COOKIEIV', 'difaz5c4'); define('PSCREATIONDATE', '2017-06-10'); define('PSVERSION', ''); define('TBVERSION', '1.0.2'); define('RIJNDAELKEY', 'cyS9VXQszTqjasderBb4SpysjNkrDkyx'); define('RIJNDAELIV', '8yXD2wserftHI4tt9s63xw=='); define('PHPENCRYPTIONKEY', 'def00000af02ba2a8fcf0505704sdrftgyhuji8e45fc24c2aa6ed8a862edea3e22fbf746a9a0dbe6ffcf0ed23811263a002af832jhygtfrd538b20');
  14. @mdekker this issue (price tab loading) solved this way https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/1.0.x/js/admin/price.js
  15. @raithline i installed cross selling after public page error 500 this not affect loading . loading issue price related js .1.1 perfectly working tax no but 1.2 loading issue tax no
  16. @ raithlin please jest uninstall cross selling module and say your localization tax setting yes or no ? if no jest try to yes same issue i solved this way
  17. @ Acemcputer please jest uninstall cross selling module and say your localization tax setting yes or no ? if no jest try to yes same issue i solved this way
  18. mdekker it is my server related issue ? please say what i do
  19. see my old post that no reply https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/599/channel-not-avalable
  20. hi mdekker same issue my site after updating to 1.2 see issue with updater module admin loading issue ( very very slower) i delete updater via cpanel (public html module updater delete ) work fine and try updating again not connect your server see result Going to update to thirty bees version: Not available. ? updated after public page not visible i uninstalled cross selling module it is solved updated after admin product price tab loading issue canot save product my setting enable tax no then i investigate after change enable tax to yes it is solved why this ? i tested new script installed from softaclus it is same issue . i check inspect element see TypeError: taxes is undefined[Learn More] price.js:5:51 i click Learn More see this link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Unexpected_type same issue in pristashop see this article https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34726844/prestashop-endless-spinning-product-save-button thanks
  21. @Fathira said in channel not avalable: hi i try to update 1.2 see Going to update to thirty bees version: Not available Channel: see attachment and i jest try install new one from softaclous (it is installed in sub folder) successfully installed but admin panel loading issue . i investigate after i removed tb updater. from publichtml/led/module/tbupdater/ now no loading issue work fine . it is server related or script related seeserver deatails Server information Server information Linux #1 SMP Tue Dec 27 17:42:53 EST 2016 x86_64 Server software version Apache PHP version 7.0.21 Memory limit 256M Max execution time 300 MySQL server localhost MySQL name xxxxxx_thbe584 MySQL user xxxxxx_thbe584 Tables prefix tb8l_ MySQL engine InnoDB MySQL driver DbPDO Store information thirty bees version 1.0.2 Shop URL http://www.mydomain.com/led/ Current theme in use community-theme-default Mail configuration Mail method You are using the PHP mail() function. Your information Your web browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0 Check your configuration Required parameters OK Optional parameters OK
  22. hi i try to update 1.2 see Going to update to thirty bees version: Not available Channel: see attachment
  23. thanks lesley
  24. sir how to sent private message ?
  25. lessly update to 1.2 after product and creating and editing issue. admin panel all product page open not issue .after select one product the product page open but not loading open price tab but not show price save button always loading canot select image from pc my memory 256M it is sever issue ? please help thanks
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