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Everything posted by Fathira

  1. @roband7 good please elaborate one by one Thanks
  2. @wakabayashi. Enable memcached, cache, third-party extension and all all settings. Check. Now my domain configuration cloudflare that any issues? Configuration settings all OK. Mod security tested on and off position. I change modules code all psroot to tbroot then test speed issues solved then upload module to module folder and go admin module page there show ccavenue module and try installing script say successful installed script and other warning instalation permissions deny not possible install. Tb now subfolder eggs www.mydomain.com/folder any issues? And say where is error. LOG tb Thanks for your answer
  3. @wakabayashi this module ccavenue official for pristashop I asking ccavenue his side only developed pristashop please ask tb forum. Payment get way good working highly slower admin panel. may be need a small editing I asking Google no results I planed charge abantecart to thirtybees help me I am not expert code editing Thanks for your reply
  4. Fathira


    delete 30 bees manual install and install new one from softaclus recaptcha problom solved now work fine good better speed and i try to install pristashop ccavenue payment getaway extension. install and working good but site admin panel very slower . i submitted this case 3day ago this other topic not answer .
  5. hello please help me anyone?
  6. hello i try to install cc CCAvenue payment getaway extension .this sucsessfully installed but my admin panel very very solver . it is working fine ( payment possible)but admin panel solver public page speed good . this app ccavenue official pristashop app version 1.6.14 . i uninstalled this extension admin page load very slover then after i delete this app admin panel loading very good . please help this problom solving see blow details see link it is ccavenue official app copy ^MD EDIT: attachments removed due to copyright
  7. Fathira


    My domain https
  8. Fathira


    @mdekker hi Now my abantecart script working www.mydomain.com recaptcha perfectly working then install thirtybees www.mydomain.com/subfolder reCAPTCHA not working. I try different settings not improve Recaptcha not supported and say now my admin panel very slower why this ? server settings all perfect I try to apc cache driver then home page special tab missing. Not possible SSL smtp mail integration Smtp only working non SSL Please help
  9. Fathira


  10. Fathira


    Domain name key and secret total 2 key not confused settings all dun but sumthing problems not working reCAPTCHA I try different time not connected any hint please Thanks brother
  11. Fathira


    Hello I am first time in tb I try to Integrate reCAPTCHA. Added reCAPTCHA key and tested (reCAPTCHA setting page footer) but not working always say wrong key. My integration 100% correct ? (I believe) how to solve this Thanks
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