If you decide to refund a complete order or do a partial refund with a voucher that the customer may use with his next order, then you only need to choose voucher when asked how to refund.
1. step:
Refund or partially refund the order by clicking either the button Return products (complete order) or Partial refund (part of the order incl./excl. shpping costs)-
2. step
Choose Voucher as refund method. Your customer will receive automatically an email with the voucher code.
If you want your customer to receive a voucher for other reasons, then do this:
Go to Price Rules --> Cart Rules
Click Add a new Cart Rule Open Tab Information
Enter a Name for this rule Generate a voucher code Enabling Highlight will remind your customer during checkout of the voucher code Enabling Partial use will allow your customer to split his voucher, if the value is greater than the next order's amount Leave other entries standard
Open Tab Conditions
Fill in name of your customer Fill in validity dates for this voucher Fill in any minimum amount for an order where this voucher may be applied Leave entry 1 for total available and total available for each user
Open Tab Action
Choose Amount as discount type Enter the voucher amount (tax incl./excl. by choice)
Save this rule. Done!
3. step
Send a mail to your customer with the voucher code and tell him, that he may apply this code during checkout in the first step Order detail.