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Posts posted by innercode

  1. Hello,

    It seems cacart.pem file is outdated, it gives status "rejected" with the following error: 

    cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)

    After updating the file from the provided URL it worked fine. The problem is that this error is not visible until you dump the results, and the migration process does not work.


  2. @lesley glad to hear that you are getting better. It is really good, even if it is slower than expected.

    It is actually up to @lesley what he will do with this project. If there is a buyer, then it is easy, new owners will do what they have planned before buying. If not, it either will be community driven, or it will die one day. As already said previously, there must be someone who manages everything.

    If done it properly, it probably needs hundreds of thousands per year to run, and to push this project forward. It must be a team who works full time.

    Community driven software (if possible at all) would be better than nothing, but there must be someone who watches after repo, forums, etc. The good thing is, topic like this brings a lot of community to discuss, the question is whether there will be the same amount of supporters and contributors to keep it at least alive.

    We are willing to contribute, it is really great project, runs a lot better than PS 1.7. (at this moment so far), and it is a pleasure to work with, since we used 1.6. a lot for client stores, and they need to be supported.

    Anyway.. I'd like to add one point that I think no one mentioned before - time. After 2-3 years there might be a lot less support for PrestaShop modules, and PrestaShop developers won't support their modules for TB because it is too small community.

    Thirtybees in order to move forward must drop PS compatibility, redesign default theme. It must be attractive. PS 1.6. themes are old school, and will get even worse with years.

    PS 1.7. looks a lot better now, and for small basic project it would probably be a better solution because it looks better. e.g. 1.7. fake OPC (steps with redirects) is more simple and easy to use than 1.6/TB OPC. PS 1.7. is slower, but running better hosting still will be cheaper compared to the price invested in the 1.6. design. Design doesn't matter only if customer is creating it from scratch, and project is bigger (PS 1.7. seems to be for smaller projects).

    If there will be market with only few modules, newcomers probably won't come, because all solutions will cost a lot to develop. Also unknown brand, etc. etc. Try "selling" (as developer) TB for your client. If he browses here a little bit more, and sees last version's release date, probably he will go with PS. Clients don't care about code quality, or functionality much if it is more or less the same. They need trusted brand, maintained platform, in order not to recreate shop after few years again, and not to have difficulties finding developers if needed.

    At the beginning TB had advantage that mostly everything from Addons would work. This time period must be used to gain popularity enough so that PS developers would still maintain modules for TB, and TB could move forward its own way. Then it would be a lot easier. This scenario most likely to happen if someone invests in thirty bees company (buys it).

    Lastly.. 🙂 it is up to you @lesley but if the question whether this project survives or not goes down to selling the company to buyers who will monetize it the way you don't like, please, sell it. Selling modules is OK, not sure about user data, I'd say it depends, if it is anonymized stats, it is fine. Important thing is to have good quality platform and modules. It is better to have TB project with same monetization model as PS than a dead project.


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  3. I am not looking at the code right now, but if I remember correctly, modifications would be the only solution, because "Add to cart" display logic is done in template. Maybe it is possible to change it via overrides / module without touching .tpls, but if you have "Add to cart" buttons in other places, like category, home page category, some block modules, etc. then doing only via overrides or module might be quite complicated.

    Minor override + few .tpl modifications would be the easiest solution, especially if you are not going to manage it from Back Office. If you want assign different products to different customer groups, then probably module will be needed too.

    Also hiding the button would be enough in most cases, but if done it right, adding to cart should be also blocked, OR completing the order should be blocked until customer removes that product from cart.

    To sum up, probably custom modifications are needed.

  4. We are running 1.0.3 with PHP 7.3. There are some warnings in the log, but they are not critical and basically it will work fine. Not sure if they still exist in 1.0.8, haven't tried newest TB version yet.

  5. IDs in URLs has no impact on SEO. Your customers won't look at these IDs at all, check booking.com URLs :)

    What happens if you hire SEO guy to fill the fields and texts and he/she modifies them? Probably 404 not found, and it will hurt your SEO a lot. It is possible to create module which tracks these changes, but usually modules that removes IDs don't do that. Also other problems might pop out, e.g. duplicate URLs, you need track that too. I saw one time when product URL matched category URL. Then you will need URLs tracking tool to check if you don't have duplicate URLs. So you stack up module on module (or extend current one) basically for a thing (removed IDs) which gives nothing.

    Then you decide to have a blog, and guess what? :) it has IDs too.. it is not global change, modules that have pages, like blog, need modifications.

    For small shop maybe it would be OK, but for a larger one with lots of categories and thousands of products you and your developer will have more work with possibility to break things up.

    We've encountered it in 2 shops, both had problems from time to time due to these changes.

  6. Except if you have difference with the main product in the CSV, then yes, probably on import it will recalculate automatically and you get not what you want.

    If you have combination's final price in the CSV, then my suggestion above will work. Main product is not a separate product anymore. Combination is separate (physical) product. So if you set weights and prices as they are in CSV, you get what you want. Customer can't choose product without combination, neither it is used in the lists or anywhere else, default combination is used instead.

  7. You can add specific price for US only, you can select country in the specific price. This price will have higher priority than the discount for All countries. Also it can be not only a discount, but also a new price which overrides existing product price.

    I don't understand why you apply discount the same amount of tax, isn't it better to show prices 100$ initially? Discounts are great for the customers but if all products have discounts then it looks a little bit strange.

  8. Usually bots does not use this form at all (only for the first time maybe). You can hide it and you will still get spam. They are doing request directly to submit URL with the POST parameters. So this module with slider is not 100% solution, and won't work in most cases, unless it does more that we don't see, e.g. adds additional field which is submitted and checked in ContactController (overriden), then it might help.

    We got many client requests regarding spam, we had spam in our website where we used some protection from spam, and it usually helps auto (dumb) bots, but nothing helped, only Google reCAPTCHA. Spam stopped immediately, strange thing that it does not help in your case. Maybe real visitors are sending spam, not sure if it will last long in this case, or you discovered something new, bot which successfully passes reCAPTCHA :)

  9. Just uninstall mailalerts on developer / test shop. Or disable mail sending in the Advanced Parameters -> Email section. Except if you want to test emails. This is good because if you have some data from your live shop, e.g. customers and orders, there is chance they will get email from one of the modules (same mailalerts if they can subscribe to get email when product is in stock again).

  10. The solution might be making one attribute as primary, e.g. Size. What might be a little more difficult to do is disabling (hiding) other attributes when there are 3-4 different attributes (selects), because it should be displayed (and updated) in order, e.g.:

    1. Select Size -> 2. Available Colors are displayed -> 3. After selecting color, available prints are displayed (for selected size and color) -> 4. etc.

    Something like in car portals, where you select make first and then choose model. But in order to do this, attributes should have "priorities / order". The order is already in the system, so it can be used. Not sure if it is possible to avoid backend modifications.

    Also there are not only selects but radio buttons, which in this case must disappear too (or making disabled would be better option). So to answer your question, there is no easy way to do that especially without coding skills.

    I see two options in your case at this moment if you want a fast solution. Get someone who can modify your theme or buy module which can do that. Also displaying attributes in the table might be good alternative (there is a module which can do that), combination (not separate attributes) is displayed in one row. Keep in mind if there are lots of combinations table might take a lot of space.

    It is more theme specific so even if TB will implement it, it would be on default theme. Of course it can be implemented on your theme after that, it is usually easier for developers when there is a ready solution.

  11. Maybe it is better to suggest it as a feature. Not much functionality to put into separate module. Except of auto sending / generating maybe. Usually these things are in modules and it might need separate settings due to this auto sending. e.g. you get email everyday (when order statuses are A B C) and decide to check something in BO and download PDF with statuses D E F. Then you need to undo status changes (to A B C) in order to get delivery slip PDF next day as usual.

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