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Everything posted by Delapanlima

  1. wow, great. thanks mate @zimmer-media. i'll try :)
  2. @delapanlima said in Upgrade Error 500: trying to paste the new tbupdater 123.zip into hosting. hope it work :D isnt worked !
  3. trying to paste the new tbupdater 123.zip into hosting. hope it work :D
  4. @mdekker Thank you for your answer. Should this question mark have been solved?
  5. This is old bugs on Pre*ta came up again. Anyone know about this bugs? i have did below: 1. reset all bank wire and custom payment modules 2. install and uninstall modules. this is what i got in logs: Frontcontroller::init - Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart But, when i activated the ssl security on preferences > general. all payment back in normal. Should i activated ssl security on the backend? any suggestion?
  6. @mdekker that would be great if erpnext can integrate, but there is a different language based. i have been used erpnext for a couple month for my another project on field. but it still need root permission to make it live on server. so i decide to using offline installer in my laptop until now. @wakabayashi better if you have enough knowledge, you can installing both on cont*bo cloud hosting (maybe there is just my opinion). i have trying a couple month a go to installing both manually. but i give up because i dont understand about the linux based installation I am so dumb about it . so i back into my old cloud hosting :D.
  7. @mdekker yes it is. No, I am installing on english. I think the problem is same since i installing the 1.0.2 english version.
  8. @mdekker Would you want to try it by your self? if you want, i will give you the installation link.
  9. @mdekker here i sent the picture for clear: https://ibb.co/kF8iwk
  10. @mdekker it was blank page. i have choose all tab. preview, response and timing.
  11. @mdekker Here i sent the report Request URL:http://xxxxxx.cloudwaysapps.com/install/index.php?installFixtures=true&_=1503141128705 Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade Request Headers Provisional headers are shown Accept:application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01 Referer:http://xxxxxx.cloudwaysapps.com/install/index.php?restart=true User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.78 Safari/537.36 OPR/47.0.2631.55 X-Requested-With:XMLHttpRequest Query String Parameters view source view URL encoded installFixtures:true _:1503141128705 I am sorry for late reply, because i must starting from the beginning. Thanks
  12. @mdekker Here I sent the attachment. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4IcnC0FE8cyaGNXa3NrN0R4dWs/view?usp=sharing Thank you.
  13. @mdekker no, i am using OPERA Browser. ok, let me try. i will inform if it work. Thank you
  14. @lesley Hi, Leyley, Thanks for your replied. Sory for late response. Here i attached again the link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4IcnC0FE8cycW5FVnhGUmxTaG8/view?usp=sharing. I forgot to share with anyone link setting on google drive. Best Regards.
  15. the problem is same for thirtybees in a new version 1.0.3 when i tried installing in cloudways manually. here i attached the screenshoot. http://nimb.ws/o7c2qz Best Regards
  16. @mdekker ok thank you for your reply I really appreciate it, let me try later.
  17. i have try updated from 1.0.1 into 1.0.2 from thirty bees modules updater, but my dashboard title still not change into 1.0.2. Blank on "Marketing Menu" Price Rules > Marketing > Blank. Best Regards. Hadi
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