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Everything posted by mickaelandrieu

  1. @wakabayashi thank you for your answer. No, I'm not interested in development anymore, good luck!
  2. @mdekker my question is simple: when does the stable version will be released ? I don't understand why you ask for whom I work as it is unrelated to my need: I want a eCommerce CMS to start a project -__- You know me, and you know I'm not a troll: if you dont want to answer, close the topic :/
  3. @wakabayashi you talk about totally unrelated stuff: compare the speed of shops and the speed of installation - what we were talking here - is 2 differents things. PrestaShop 1.7 is very fast to install thanks to the Unpacker, this is a feature TB didnt provide right now (or you know stuff I didnt), the extraction of thousand of files using FTP tool like filezilla is very long (30min to ... hours), and the unpacker have been provided to fix this issue. Thank you for your understanding
  4. @the.rampage.rado gnee ? no one pay me to come here and answer to people. I garanty you I'm not paid by thirtyBees or whatever :)
  5. Hello Anima, Thirty Bees and PrestaShop 1.7 are totally unrelated products: ThirtyBees is a fork of the latest PrestaShop 1.6. I'm happy you'd love the new installer, I've helped a little bit to do it :) ++
  6. Hi! since you are forking the project I expect a nice PrestaShop version without any bugs right now! The multishop feature works as expected? I can't find the link to download, I only see a "beta 3" in Download section :/ Kisses
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