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Sean Alcorn

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  1. Hi everyone, I have searched everywhere and googled, but have never been able to find out how to change the date format on invoices. Regards, Sean
  2. I have been using Thirty Bees for about a year now and have discovered that random products that have been setup - even recent ones with all my usual defaults will randomly not offer any shipping options at checkout - yet the weight & dimensions would all fall into the established shipping rules. This has happened quite a few times now and is randomly happening on a new and popular product - driving customers away.
  3. My fresh install had absolutely no method for a customer to register at the store. It took me about an hour to sort it out and in the end still do not know what actually resolved.
  4. A means for customers to register please
  5. After losing my entire PrestaShop with a "1-Click Upgrade", I have just made a fresh install of Thirty Bees 1.2.0 There is a "SIGN IN" option, but no way to register. When clicking the SIGN IN, I get a "too many redirects" error. So, I add a product to a cart, hit checkout and also get a "too many redirects" error. My customers can not register either.
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