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Everything posted by Herrosik

  1. @datakick any chance you could take a look at that in your free time? We really spread our hands, not knowing what to do. Big thanks in advance!
  2. @datakick did you manage to find any potential issue? I found out a thread on prestashop.com with very similar issue to ours, I'll put down the link: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/954154-critical-issue-wrong-information-to-wrong-customer/ Do you have any idea what can it be caused by? If yes, I would very much appreciate your help since I'm searching for a solution for a long time and nothing seems to work.
  3. @datakick do you mean turning off the "Re-display cart at login" function in the Customers Preferences?
  4. @datakick thank you very much for the message. The creation of dummy addresses itself does not bother me, however, as I mentioned, there are situations (rare, once in a few dozen/hundred orders) in which when the customer already registered places an order, he gets the data of the previous customer in the confirmation in the address fields. At first, I suspected that it might have had something to do with clearing the database on the 2nd website with PSCleaner, however, recently this problem also occurred on 1st store, on which we never cleared the order databases. Given the fact that we use Chex on both stores, I thought this might have an impact on this problem. Do you have any suspicions about what might be causing such a problem? Thanks in advance, the module is great, we would just want to fix that issue, since that's quite a critical one.
  5. @datakick we do have a strange problem occuring with orders. Different customers create new shopping carts and the addresses of previous customers are assigned to them. We do use Chex I don't know, and I don't know if Chex by any chance has an impact on this error with the mechanism of remembering baskets. I have also noticed that there are rare situations when a customer registers on the site, leaves the site and after a few days comes back to finalize the order. The order confirmation shows not the data he addresses into Chex when placing the order, but the delivery data from the previous customer (in the Prestashop panel it looks as if the customer has 2 addresses set up, the default one being the wrong one, from the previous customer). There's a screenshot from the ps_ cart table: I would be very grateful if you could help by any means - we do use Chex on 2 of our websites, and we would love to continue doing so.
  6. @datakick could you please tell me, whether is it possible to implement an autofill for Chex? On mobile devices, this would greatly enhance the experience, speed of filling out the form, and reduce potential typos and address errors. If it would be possible, please suggest how we could do it on our side.
  7. @datakick I understand, it's a real pity, as this would certainly be an excellent feature. Please let me know if you would be able to at least hint how we could implement a small fix to autovalidation that would remove unnecessary spaces from the "zip code" and "email address" fields? We've been getting a lot of calls lately where customers are having trouble placing an order because a single unnecessary space is getting in, and as you know - some will call us and make the final transaction, and some will just leave the page.
  8. @datakick is that possible, what I've indicated in my last e-mail to prepare such a workaround or not?
  9. @datakick thanks for the reply. We've modified Chex a bit, so it doesn't require people to create an account on our website, and we're generally not forcing people to do it in any way, so there are very few clients which have accounts. Moreover, we sell products, which people buy in vast majority only once, therefore the problem with distinguishing between returning and new customers should not happen in our case. Regarding the abovementioned, I would imagine a solution in which Chex mechanically shows all the fields in the default configuration (for the new client, 99%+ in our case) and eventually, after recognizing account, fields are getting changed (it will happen very rarely in our case). The same thing is happening now in the background (as far as I understand), I would just like to show that to the client. Do you see any smart option to implement such a workaround?
  10. We have purchased the Chex module from @datakick for some time and have been using it in our store. Compared to the previous shopping cart we can definitely see an improvement, especially on the desktop (on mobile the CR has also increased, but slightly). However, while analyzing the behavior of customers in the shopping cart via heatmaps and recording, we noticed that a part of them feel lost/suspicious when they have to enter their email address first before other fields are displayed, and we are keen to improve this aspect and eventually make an A/B test. With this in mind, I would like to ask you for help in implementing a modification that would show all fields at once, without the need to enter the email address first. Have any of you already modified Chex this way for your needs? I would appreciate any advice on how I can get this effect. I'm attaching screenshots showing how the shopping cart currently looks (just the email address field) and how I'd like it to look (all fields immediately visible).
  11. @datakick Is it possible to fix this on our side? If so, how would you suggest solving this problem? The problem probably lies in the js at the beginning of the code, although understanding it is hard.
  12. @datakick thank you for your feedback. Maybe I was not precise enough - the problem affects not only strictly Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus, but all devices with larger screens, on the market currently quite a lot of this type, since problem is critical. Disabling floating on mobile fixes the problem, but floating is a great feature, that looks good on the desktop, hence I'd rather avoid it. The strangest thing in all this is that this problem is caused randomly - once it is, once it is not, more often it occurs, unfortunately. Do you have any more ideas?
  13. We are using Chex module from @datakick in our online store, unfortunately we are encountering a very strange and serious problem, related to floating on mobile devices with larger screen. For example, this is seen in Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, which makes it virtually impossible to place an order on mobile. Important note: you won't see this on Chrome, only on mobile is it visible. Interestingly, in a way it is random, because for many refreshes of the page it happens once or twice that such a problem does not occur, however, in the vast majority it is visible. For smaller screens, everything is fine. Has anyone encountered this problem and possibly is able to suggest what it could be related to? I am attaching a screenshot showing the problem. All the best!
  14. What about my suggestion to display all fields in the shopping cart? That would still work excellent with your main idea behind the Chex, and it would bring great benefits.
  15. Great idea - fixing any potential error in the shopping cart is worth its weight in gold. Additionally, if @datakick had the option to add a possibility to display all fields in the shopping cart, as I mentioned in point 1 of my comment, it would be perfect.
  16. Dear Friends, I created an account specifically to say that I love Chex's layout and would love to implement it in my store. I am missing two features, though, so I thought I would ask more experienced colleagues if perhaps you know if such features are planned or is there any chance to implement it on your side in your store by modifying the module code? 1. Showing all fields to enter the delivery address at once, without the need to enter the e-mail address at the beginning. I've seen a few A/B tests done in the shopping cart and in my experience showing all the fields usually have a much better impact on the conversion rate. In our case our customers are not the youngest ones and for sure showing all the fields would be much clearer for them :) 2. As far as I noticed, the module currently saves the delivery address entered on the user's side, but every time you go to the shopping cart it requires you to enter the e-mail address again. Would it be possible to save the provided e-mail address in the browser as it is usually done? Once again, I'm convinced that this would certainly have a positive impact on the conversion rate, the flow would be smooth as butter and customers would just love Chex, the same way as we merchants do. Cheers!
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